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4. Transforming SMRs into HERs — the issues

The current phase of SMR development and the move to HERs is clouded by uncertainty. In terms of computing, the issues revolve around the extent to which HERs can progress to harness the technology available to allow them either to hold or at least provide access to a much wider range of information. The use of GIS and the Internet will be crucial, as will the ability of national and local organisations to incorporate interoperability into their record systems. Ultimately, the major barrier to progress is resources, especially finance. The current government review will surely highlight this as a major factor preventing progress, alongside the sheer number and variety of records that currently exist. Unless a solution can be found that can lead to more uniform coverage across the country, then it seems inevitable that SMRs and HERs will continue to progress at an uneven pace and in an ad hoc fashion. This will in turn reinforce negative impressions in some quarters and prevent SMRs and HERs from getting the usage that they deserve.

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© Internet Archaeology URL: http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue15/3/pg17.html
Last updated: Wed Jan 28 2004