Welsh Roundhouses: House Data

Single house record for Arddleen

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Record number: 152
Site name:Arddleen
Site number: 145
Approx. early date: -200
Approx. late date: 200
% excavated: 75-100%
Internal diameter: 5.2 - 5.5
Area: 22
Shape: oval
Evidence of repair:Yes
Repair/Rebuild details: two or three phases, built slightly different location along NS axis
In situ decay:Yes
Wall material: drainage gully, posts but relationship uncertain, daub found
Wall gully:Yes
Hearth details: none
Occupation deposits: Yes
Feature details:burnt clay and charcoal layer
Door orientation: N
Drainage gully:Yes
CBM: unknown
After use: contemp or later gully, contained daub, burnt bone and burnt stone. Medieval posthole Beta-190012
Notes:lack of finds, contemporary animal burrowing; used as food store? Medieval radiocarbon date Beta-190012 probably later than house, this post hole not covered by occupation deposit unlike others. Drainage gully contemporary or later contained briquetage, daub, residual EBA sherd, burnt stone and bone, charcoal. House likely LIA to first century AD


© Internet Archaeology/Authors URL: http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue23/1/house.cfm
Last updated: Mon Nov 26 2007