Table of Figures

Figure 1: Map of Europe showing Catalonia; the study area is marked by a square (after Esri Data and Maps 2006).

Figure 2: Map of the study area.

Figure 3: Multi-technique visibility analysis.

Figure 4: Viewsheds from the same site (St Catherine's hill) using one and multiple viewer points (Mitcham 2002, 77, fig. 10.3).

Figure 5: Comparative viewsheds from Puig Castellar hillfort: binary viewshed, multiple viewshed from 5 viewer points and multiple viewshed from many points around the hill.

Figure 6: Comparative viewsheds from Puig Castellar hillfort: binary and multiple viewsheds displacing the central viewer point.

Figure 7: Viewsheds from the same viewer point using three different DEMs (Zamora 2006, 45, fig. 2).

Figure 8: Autocorrelation (after O'Sullivan and Unwin 2003, 187, fig. 7.5).

Figure 9: Probable viewshed from 1 viewer point (from Puig Castellar hillfort).

Figure 10: Probable viewshed from 5 viewer points (from Puig Castellar hillfort).

Figure 11: Probable viewshed from 1 viewer point: selection of the area seen from all the DEMs (from Puig Castellar hillfort).

Figure 12: Most probable viewshed from 5 viewer points (from Puig Castellar hillfort).

Figure 13: Fuzzy viewshed from a single viewer point (from Turó d'en Boscà hillfort).

Figure 14: Higuchi viewsheds from the hillforts of the study area.

Figure 15: Cumulative viewshed from the set of hillforts of the study area.

Figure 16: Puig Castellar. Multiple viewer points viewshed from the original DEM.

Figure 17: Puig Castellar. Probable viewshed.

Figure 18: Puig Castellar. Most probable viewshed.

Figure 19: Puig Castellar. Higuchi viewshed.

Figure 20: Turó d'en Boscà. Multiple viewer points viewshed from the original DEM.

Figure 21: Turó d'en Boscà. Probable viewshed.

Figure 22: Turó d'en Boscà. Most probable viewshed.

Figure 23: Turó d'en Boscà. Higuchi viewshed.

Figure 24: Turó de Montgat. Multiple viewer points viewshed from the original DEM.

Figure 25: Turó de Montgat. Probable viewshed.

Figure 26: Turó de Montgat. Most probable viewshed.

Figure 27: Turó de Montgat. Higuchi viewshed.

Figure 28: Les Maleses. Multiple viewer points viewshed from the original DEM.

Figure 29: Les Maleses. Probable viewshed.

Figure 30: Les Maleses. Most probable viewshed.

Figure 31: Les Maleses. Higuchi viewshed.

Figure 32: Turó de Can Gallemí. Multiple viewer points viewshed from the original DEM.

Figure 33: Turó de Can Gallemí. Probable viewshed.

Figure 34: Turó de Can Gallemí. Most probable viewshed.

Figure 35: Turó de Can Gallemí. Higuchi viewshed.

Figure 36: Turó de Penjabocs. Multiple viewer points viewshed from the original DEM.

Figure 37: Turó de Penjabocs. Probable viewshed.

Figure 38: Turó de Penjabocs. Most probable viewshed.

Figure 39: Turó de Penjabocs. Higuchi viewshed.

Figure 40: Castellruf. Multiple viewer points viewshed from the original DEM.

Figure 41: Castellruf. Probable viewshed.

Figure 42: Castellruf. Most probable viewshed.

Figure 43: Castellruf. Higuchi viewshed.

Figure 44: Turó de Sant Miquel. Multiple viewer points viewshed from the original DEM.

Figure 45: Turó de Sant Miquel. Probable viewshed.

Figure 46: Turó de Sant Miquel. Most probable viewshed.

Figure 47: Turó de Sant Miquel. Higuchi viewshed.

Figure 48: Visibility network between hillforts.


By site: Puig Castellar | Turó d'en Boscà | Turó de Montgat | Les Maleses | Turó de Can Gallemí | Turó de Penjabocs | Castellruf | Turó de Sant Miquel

All Multiple viewer points | All Probable viewsheds | All Most probable viewsheds | All Higuchi viewsheds


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Last updated: Tues Mar 04 2008