
Here is a description of the actual code used to make the Sikyon interactive image work. To begin with, a conditional statement is required to check for browser type. The code first checks if the browser is Microsoft (by checking for ActiveX controls) and then goes through a try-catch statement to figure out which object to use to create the instance of XMLHttpRequest. The Microsoft.XMLHTTP object works for IE 5 and later (including IE 6) while the newer version, Msxml2.XMLHTTP, works for IE 6. If the browser does not support ActiveX objects (and is therefore not Microsoft), the XMLHttpRequest object is created natively using JavaScript.

The Web page then accessed the data in the XML file through the XMLHttpRequest object and various JavaScript functions. The doSearch function initiates the asynchronous communication after being triggered by an onmouseover event within the SVG file. As the mouse pointer moved over a tract, the doSearch function would be called with the tract ID passed as a parameter. The doSearch function would then call the createXMLHttpRequest function and initialise a new instance of the XMLHttpRequest object.

A function is then needed to handle the changes in the XMLHttpRequest object's state and then perform the desired action when appropriate. This is done using the onreadystatechange property of the object to point to the handleStateChange function. This action checks that the server is finished looking up the requested information by confirming the HTTP ready state is 4 and that the HTTP status code is 200. These verify that the server found the data the client was looking for and that the data are ready to be used. Once the server has confirmed it has finished sending the response, the handleStateChange function calls two other functions that will be addressed below.

Next the properties of the request are assigned by the XMLHttpRequest object's open() method. Three parameters are taken by this method which are a string indicating the mode used (usually GET or POST), a string for the URL of the destination resource, and a Boolean indicating whether the request should be made asynchronously. Finally the XMLHttpRequest object's send() method forwards the request to the destination resource. These previous steps provide four general functions: create an instance of the XMLHttpRequest object, tell the object what to do when it undergoes changes in its state, tell the object where and how to send the request, and then direct the object to transmit the request (Asleson and Schutta 2006, 31-32).

The function which actually requests the data from the XML file is the handleStateChange function. If the HTTP ready state and HTTP status code are acceptable, the previous data is cleared from the Web page and the new data are acquired with the clearPreviousResults and parseResults functions respectively. The parseResults function retrieves data from the XML document using the XMLHttpRequest object's responseXML property. A function pointer, xmlDoc, is used to point at the XML document. Then another function pointer, tractNode, further isolates the XML document to only the tract which is relevant. The tract ID was originally passed during the onmouseover event by doSearch, which is now used within parseResults by the getElementsByTagName method. In this way the function only grabs data from the XML document which relate to the tract in question.

Example of the onmouseover event within the SVG file

<polyline id="np1" onmouseover="doSearch('np1');" onmouseout="clearPreviousResults()" fill="#7DA799" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.24" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="407.98,79.484 411.84,77.278 416.069,75.807 424.892,95.844 420.847,97.683 417.356,98.969 407.98,79.484 " />

JavaScript function to control layer visibility

function setRaster()
	if (document.getElementById("raster").checked==true)
		svgDoc.getElementById("raster").setAttribute("visibility", "visible");
		svgDoc.getElementById("raster").setAttribute("visibility", "hidden");

function setPlateau()
	if (document.getElementById("plateau").checked==true)
		svgDoc.getElementById("plateau").setAttribute("visibility", "visible");
		svgDoc.getElementById("plateau").setAttribute("visibility", "hidden");

This is the section of the JavaScript code which makes Ajax work. This code is taken from script

//Variable declarations

var xmlHttp;
var svgDoc;				
var tract;
//Function to initialize the SVG document so other functions can access it

function initSVGvars ()
	svgDoc = document.sikyon.getSVGDocument();

//Function to initialize the XMLHttpRequest object and enable asynchronous comunication
function createXMLHttpRequest()
//Check if browser is MS
	if (window.ActiveXObject)
		//First try the new MS version of the object
			xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
		catch (tryoldversion)
			//If that doesn't work try the old one
				xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
			catch (failed)
			alert("Error initializing XMLHttpRequest Object. Ajax functionality is unavailable");
	else if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
	//Otherwise the browser is non-MS so use this object
		xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();	

//Function that initiates the Ajax and communication
function doSearch(tract)
	requestType = tract;
	xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = handleStateChange;"GET", "tract.xml", true);
//Function that checks if the server has finished and is ready
function handleStateChange()
	if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4)
	// Take this out for local debugging purposes
		if (xmlHttp.status == 200)
//Function to clear out the previous results from the Web page		
function clearPreviousResults()
	var tableBody = document.getElementById("resultsBody");
	while (tableBody.childNodes.length >0)
//Function which goes and gets the data from the XML file		
function parseResults(tract)
//Function pointer to the XML document
	var xmlDoc = xmlHttp.responseXML;

//Isolates XML document according to tract
	var tractNode = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(tract)[0];
	var squares = "";
	var lu = "";
	var condition = "";
	var st = "";

	squares = tractNode.getElementsByTagName("squares")[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
	lu = tractNode.getElementsByTagName("lu")[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
	condition = tractNode.getElementsByTagName("condition")[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
	st = tractNode.getElementsByTagName("st")[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
	addTableRow(tract, squares, lu, condition, st);
	document.getElementById("resultsTable").setAttribute("border", "0");
//Function that updates the XHTML document with the acquired data from the XML document		
function addTableRow(tract, squares, lu, condition, st, loop)
	var row = document.createElement("tr");
	var field = createCellWithText('Tract:');
	var cell = createCellWithText(tract);
	var row = document.createElement("tr");
	var field = createCellWithText('Squares:');
	var cell = createCellWithText(squares);

	var row = document.createElement("tr");			
	var field = createCellWithText('Land Use:');
	cell = createCellWithText(lu);

	var row = document.createElement("tr");			
	var field = createCellWithText('Soil Condition:');
	cell = createCellWithText(condition);
	var row = document.createElement("tr");			
	var field = createCellWithText('Soil Type:');
	cell = createCellWithText(st);
//Function to create the table cell		
function createCellWithText(text)
	var cell = document.createElement("td");
	var textNode = document.createTextNode(text);
	return cell;


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Last updated: Tue Mar 25 2008