
The East Isthmia Archaeology Project was begun by Steven Ellis (then of the University of Michigan, now the University of Cincinnati) and Timothy Gregory (Ohio State University), who were later joined in 2006 by Eric Poehler (University of Massachusetts Amherst) and Kevin Cole (University of Virginia), and by Karen Laurence in 2007 (University of Michigan). Our research was most recently advanced by the enthusiastic participation of a small team of undergraduate students from the University of Michigan (Nikole Bork, Dane Clark, Max Owen, and Andrew Stephan). None of our research could have been possible without the generous financial support of the Ohio State University, University of Michigan, and Ubiquity International. The project is presently financed through the generosity of the Semple Fund in the Department of Classics at the University of Cincinnati. Finally, Jeanne Marty (Peppers) deserves special mention, having excavated much of the East Field and always retaining an active interest in it. We regret her premature death and wish that she could have been involved in the present study.


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Last updated: Mon Jun 30 2008