1. Introduction

During the last century the use of archaeometrical techniques to study archaeological materials, although barely developed for use in Spanish archaeology, have become indispensable tools in the studies of archaeological deposits (Ramos et al. 1997). Through the use of a more multidisciplinary approach (Ramos Muñoz and Giles 1996), important new information has been added to the previously published research (Domínguez-Bella and Morata-Céspedes 1995).

This fact, in conjunction with the technological advances in the different techniques of characterisation, for example absolute dating, enables the re-assessment of previous archaeological interpretations. Different specialists in the fields of geology, biology, biochemistry, chemistry, anthropology and forensic medicine can make new contributions to archaeological science.

The existence of the prehistoric deposit discussed in this article has been known for several years. It was catalogued in 1987 as an archaeological site (Perdigones 1987), and a rescue survey was carried out in 2003 (Lazarich et al. 2003). The site seems to be associated with an agricultural settlement where, in our opinion, underground mining also took place. These workings were deliberately sited in order to obtain a specific type of rock used in the manufacture of grindstones, for example hand millstones for grinding grain.


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Last updated: Wed Jun 10 2009