
The Shala Valley Project was funded by Millsaps College, the National Science Foundation (BCS0713730), the National Endowment for the Humanities (RZ50715), the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, the American Embassy in Tirana, the International Peace Research Association, Colorado State University, the University of Louisville, and several private donors: William and Susan Jeanes, Robert and Dee Leggett, Bud and Judy Robinson, and John Stevens. We are very grateful for their support. We would like to acknowledge the contributions to this article of our SVP colleagues, Mentor Mustafa, Robert Schon, and Antonia Young in particular. Sasha Caufield and Ajrina Tafilica provided outstanding assistance in the field, as did Nadia Al-Hashimi in the lab. Sylvia Deskaj translated the Albanian audio files. The publication of this article in Internet Archaeology, and the deposit of the data archives in the Archaeology Data Service repository, were made possible by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation under the LEAP II initiative. We are grateful to Judith Winters, Michael Charno, and Julian Richards for leading us through the process of writing for on-line publication and linking electronic archives with publication.


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