
The excavation and this publication were funded by English Heritage and could not have been conducted without the assistance and support of English Heritage staff particularly Keith May who helped develop the project and the various technology tests in addition to supervising in the field. We are grateful to John Cousins the landowner for permission to excavate and to the whole of the excavation team with particular contributions made in the field by the site assistants James Lyall, Jess Tipper, Phil Piper, Mark Whyman and Louise Cooke. Maria Beck processed the finds on site, Christine Haughton recorded all the finds, Dylan Hopkinson developed the web presence and Tom Cromwell undertook the topographic survey and the total station drawing tests. We are similarly grateful to James Rackham who provided advice on the environmental sampling programme and undertook the environmental sampling and again to Jess Tipper who undertook the assessment of the Anglo-Saxon ceramics. James Lyall digitised the plans and undertook the geophysical surveys assisted by Maria Beck.


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Last updated: Tues Feb 4 2010