Appendix 1: The Anglo-Saxon Pottery

Summary | Fabrics | Vessel form | Decoration | Surface treatment | Method of manufacture | Fragmentation | Catalogue

Appendix 1.7 Fragmentation

The pottery appeared, in general, to be in an average condition. Sixty-one per cent of the pottery (by weight, excluding the sieved fraction) from Site 28 was recorded as fair in condition and only 15% was recorded as poor. However, most vessels were represented by single sherds only. The mean sherd weight of the assemblage is low at 7.3g (excluding the sieved fraction). This compares to a mean sherd weight of 11.8g from the settlement at West Heslerton (Powlesland et al. in prep.).

There were five rim-sherds (50.5g) in the assemblage, deriving from different vessels (see above). None of the sherds had measurable rim diameters. As a percentage of the complete rim, all the sherds measured less than 5%, i.e. 95% or more of each rim was missing. In comparison, at West Heslerton 78% of the rim-sherds had a rim percentage less than 5% (Powlesland et al. in prep).

Sherd refitting was undertaken for all sherds, given the small quantity of pottery in the assemblage. Twenty-eight body sherds (weighing 171.75g) derived from a single vessel, all from within the fill of Grubenhaus 028AA00024 (from contexts 028AA00024, 028AA00037, 028AA00038, 028AA00049 and 028AA00086). Many of these sherds were defined in close proximity during excavation, and located in the north-east quadrant of the pit. This indicates they were probably the result of a discrete disposal, i.e. a large portion of a single vessel deposited in a single event on or after initial breakage.

Only one other sherd link was defined. No sherd links were found between the fills of the three Grubenhäuser.


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