List of Figures

Figure 1: The location of the Faynan (Barker et al. 2007, 4).

Figure 2: Map of the Faynan region with principal wadis (after Barker et al. 2007, 5).

Figure 3: Plan of WF1415 (Barker et al. 2007, 319).

Figure 4: Photo of remains of WF1415, facing south (photo Hannah Friedman).

Figure 5: WF1415 and surrounding sites (Barker et al. 2007, 320).

Figure 6: Photo from WF1415 showing possible domestic structures, facing south (photo Hannah Friedman).

Figure 7: Graph of environmental reconstruction and vegetative history (Barker et al. 2007, 92).
POP - Poaceae-Ostrya-Pinus; PPA - Poaceae-Pinus-Artemisia; PAP - Poaceae-Artemisia-Plantago; PCPJ - Plantago-Caryophyllaceae-Poaceae-Juniperus; CLP - Chenopodiaceae-Lactuceae-Poaceae; CPE - Chenopodiaceae-Pinus-Ephedra; C - Chenopodiaceae; CLT - Chenopodiaceae-Lactuceae-Tamarix; for more information on these biozones, see Barker et al. 2007, 71-78.

Figure 8: Twilight in the Faynan landscape (photo Hannah Friedman).

Figure 9: Sandstorm during the day in Faynan (photo Hannah Friedman).

Figure 10: A moving human in the landscape can be seen (c. 500m distant with a c. 200m elevation), here indicated with red arrow (photo Hannah Friedman).

Figure 11: Overlay of viewsheds created with differing heights 8m, 10m, and 12m.

Figure 12: Viewshed from the towers of WF1415 (set at 10m) encompassing the surrounding settlements.

Figure 13: Viewshed from towers of WF1415 (set at 10m) out to the mine entrances.

Figure 14: Viewshed from WF1415 (set at 10m) with viewshed limit of 4km.

Figure 15: Group 1 of mines and the view from them to WF1415 (set at 10m) (set at 10m).

Figure 16: Group 2 of mines and the view from them to WF1415.

Figure 17: Group 3 of mines and the view from them to WF1415.

Figure 18: Group 4 of mines and the view from them to WF1415.

Figure 19: Points generated at 100m apart in landscape with WF1415 set at 10m.


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Last updated: Tue Nov 3 2009