List of Figures and Tables


Figure 1: Map of the Star Carr Site. Blue represents where the lake was and the green area represents dry land. Plan of trenches: the grey trenches were excavated by Clark (1949-1951); the blue trenches in the 1980s by the VPRT; the yellow dots are fieldwalking finds and the red trenches have been excavated during the recent work at Star Carr by the authors: all these trenches contained flint debris indicating activity over much of the peninsula.

Figure 2: Boat from Lystrup being lifted for further examination in the laboratory (Andersen 1996, fig. 20, 28).

Figure 3: A picture of the block in situ, in trench SC24.

Figure 4: Sawing the block at the end of the excavation (NM and CC).

Figure 5: The block in the laboratory at the University of York.

Figure 6: Slideshow of digging through the block. Click the buttons to excavate the block. Clicking on numbered small finds reveals further information.

Figure 7: Trench SC24 looking north up the trench. The block has been squared off in the left of the trench in front of BT. The small square hole in the foreground is a sump from Clark's excavations, and BT is excavating within Clark's original trench (see Fig. 1 for location of trenches).

Figure 8: Beginning of zone 2.

Figure 9: Context 84 (zone 3 in the block) in the foreground of the picture. The wood in the trench to the north is the exposure of the layers below: the 'brushwood', found in zone 4 and 5.

Figure 10: Antler on edge of block.

Figure 11: Zones 4 and 5 in block, context 93 – the 'brushwood' platform.

Figure 12: Laid ?timbers not evident in the block, with zone 6 deposits – fine twiggy material beneath.

Figure 13: The piece of flint from the block.

Figure 14: Numbers of identifiable taxa. Y-axis: numbers of taxa; X-axis: sample numbers.

Figure 15: Sums of abundance scores for identifiable taxa and other components (wood, bark) representing trees and shrubs. Y-axis: sums; X-axis: sample numbers.

Figure 16: Sums of abundance scores (left-hand columns) and counts of taxa for plants representing waterside and fen vegetation. Y-axis: sums/counts; X-axis: sample numbers.

Figure 17: Loss-on-ignition results showing %inorganic. Click the graph to see the data.

Figure 18: Iron and sulphur residues (orange material) exuding from the block.

Figure 19: Hours per excavation layer. NB: the initial setting up of the block in the lab is counted as the first c. 50 hours.


Table 1: Summary of the zones within the block.

Table 2: The pieces of wood in this table represent pieces identified as interesting because they may show evidence of woodworking, and also a selection of roundwood picked out and identified by AH, which provides an impression of the species through the block. Figure 6 provides a sequence of photographs through the block illustrating all the wood set out in this table. + indicates charcoal specimens; * indicates cases where the razor blade became instantly tarnished on contact with the specimen, with blackening and a slight smell of sulphides suggestive of the action of sulphuric acid.

Table 3: Results of examination of the block sample (alternate samples from the sequence): notes on preservation and nature of sediment.

Table 4: Macrofossil plant remains and other components of the samples from the block. Figures are semi-quantitative abundance scores from 1 (present, rare) to 4 (abundant or a major component of the sample). Taxa are grouped by broad habitat categories, but within those groups are alphabetical. Unless otherwise indicated, remains were fruits or seeds and, unless indicated, all remains were preserved by anoxic waterlogging.


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Last updated: Thu Mar 25 2010