4. Material Culture

Overview | Flint | Prehistoric pottery | Briquetage | Roman and later pottery | Ceramic objects | Ceramic building material | Fired clay | Clay pipe | Metalwork | Worked stone | Glass

All artefacts described should be taken to be of Period 3 (Iron Age) date, unless otherwise stated. In 2007-8 fresh specialist reporting was undertaken on all the available finds.

Table 2: Quantification of artefacts (* indicates some finds likely to be missing).

type count weight (kg)
prehistoric pottery 589 12.4
briquetage 212 2.202
Roman and later pottery 416* 4.354*
ceramic building material 222 2.776
ceramic objects 3 0.895
fired clay 101 0.210
clay pipe 63 0.110
iron objects 88 -
stone objects 7 -
burnt stone 59 -
flint 179 -
glass 52 0.995


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Last updated: Wed July 21 2010