OASIS Report Form

Project NameLand at Island Farm, Ottery St Mary, Devon
Short description (250 words maximum)Archaeological excavations by Cotswold Archaeology at Island Farm, Ottery St Mary in 2014 yielded archaeological remains in four areas of the site. Most significantly were the remains of a medieval building that had apparently suffered fire damage and preserved evidence of its wooden structure and stored crops. It is interpretable as a long-house and contained evidence that it had been occupied by a tinker. In other areas were discovered pits of Mesolithic and Early Neolithic date, and several drainage ditches, some of which may have been prehistoric but most medieval and later. Some corresponded to 19th-century mapped field boundaries.
Project datesMarch – April 2014
Project type (e.g. desk-based, field evaluation etc) Strip, map and sample excavation
Previous workGeophysical Survey
(Pre-Construct Geophysics 2012)
Evaluation (Cotswold Archaeology 2012 and 2013)
Assessment Report (Cotswold Archaeology 2015)
Future work On-line publication and summary printed publication
Site LocationLand at Island Farm, Ottery St Mary, Devon
Study area (M²/ha) 8.6ha
Site co-ordinates (8 Fig Grid Reference) SY 0902 9503
Name of organisation Cotswold Archaeology
Project Brief originatorEast Devon District Council
Project Design (WSI) originator Cotswold Archaeology
Project Manager Laurent Coleman
Project Supervisor Charlotte Haines
MONUMENT TYPEMesolithic/Neolithic Pits
Medieval Building
SIGNIFICANT FINDS Bronze Age palstave, Medieval iron axe and 'cushion stone', charred botanical remains
PROJECT ARCHIVES Intended final location of archive
(museum/Accession no.)
Content (e.g. pottery, animal bone etc)
Physical Royal Albert Memorial Museum, ExeterRAMM: 14/19 Ceramics, animal bone, CBM, metal finds
PaperRoyal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter RAMM: 14/19Context sheets, matrices, drawings, report
DigitalArchaeology Data ServiceDatabase, digital photos, report
Cotswold Archaeology 2018 Land at Island Farm, Ottery St. Mary, Devon: Publication Report for Internet Archaeology. CA report 17624.


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