List of Figures

Figure 1: The Hue-Saturation-Value (left) and Red-Green-Blue (right) colour models applied to an x-y scatter graph. The colours of the symbols equate to the symbols position on the graph.

Figure 2: The Roman fortress of Vetera I showing excavation trenches (red) and reconstructed plan (black). Data compiled and digitised by Steven Ellis, available from Allison 2012.

Figure 3: CA bi-plot of diagnostic sherds fabrics from Vetera I, samples are trenches. [SVG file]

Figure 4: Point distribution of trench centroids coloured by CA axis scores using RGB.

Figure 5: Point distribution of trench centroids coloured by CA axis scores using HSV.

Figure 6: CA bi-plot of diagnostic sherds fabrics from Vetera I with hues used in the HSV colour model. [SVG file]

Figure 7: Interpolations of CA first axis scores.

Figure 8: Interpolations of CA second axis scores.

Figure 9: Combined interpolations of CA first and second axis scores with an HSV colour model.

Figure 10: Interpolations of SCA first axis scores.

Figure 11: Interpolations of SCA second axis scores.

Figure 12: Combined interpolations of first and second SCA axis scores with an HSV colour model.

Figure 13: SCA bi-plot of diagnostic sherds fabrics from Vetera I with hues used in the HSV colour model. [SVG file]

Figure 14: Distribution of different site types with terra sigillata assemblages, all phases.

Figure 15: Interpolation and point distribution of CA first axis scores of Samian dataset, all phases. [SVG file]

Figure 16 (left): Interpolation and point distribution of CA second axis scores of Samian dataset, all phases.

Figure 17 (right): Interpolation and point distribution of CA combined first and second axis scores of Samian dataset, all phases.

Figure 18: CA bi-plot of terra sigillata forms and sites (coloured by type), all phases.

Figure 19 (left): Interpolation and point distribution of Phase 1 CA first axis scores of Samian dataset.

Figure 20 (right): Interpolation and point distribution of Phase 1 CA second axis scores of Samian dataset.

Figure 21: Interpolation and point distribution of Phase 1 CA combined first and second axis scores of Samian dataset.

Figure 22: CA bi-plot of terra sigillata forms with HSV colour wheel. [SVG file]

Figure 23 (left): Interpolation and point distribution of Phase 2 CA first axis scores of Samian dataset.

Figure 24 (right): Interpolation and point distribution of Phase 2 CA second axis scores of Samian dataset.

Figure 25: Interpolation and point distribution of Phase 2 CA combined first and second axis scores of Samian dataset.

Figure 26: CA bi-plot of terra sigillata forms with HSV colour wheel. [SVG file]

Figure 27 (left): Interpolation and point distribution of Phase 3 CA first axis scores of Samian dataset.

Figure 28 (right): Interpolation and point distribution of Phase 3 CA second axis scores of Samian dataset.

Figure 29: Interpolation and point distribution of Phase 3 CA combined first and second axis scores of Samian dataset.

Figure 30: CA bi-plot of terra sigillata forms with HSV colour wheel. [SVG file]


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