[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 50 (2018). Big Data on the Roman Table: new approaches to tablewares in the Roman world

Edited by Penelope Allison, Martin Pitts and Sarah Colley


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Theme proposal received: October 2016; Accepted: September 2017; Published: May 2018

Section 1

An Introduction to a Research Network: the rationale and the approaches
Penelope Allison

Summary | Table of Contents

Section 2. Analysing vessel use

Form Follows Function. A new approach to determining vessel function
Vincent van der Veen

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Domestic Patterns of Tableware Consumption in Roman Celtiberia
Jesús Bermejo Tirado

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Calculating Liquid Capacity to Understand what could have been Consumed from 'Drinking' Vessels
William Baddiley

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The Uses of South Gaulish Terra Sigillata on the Roman Table. A study of nomenclature and vessel function
Geoffrey Dannell

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Section 3. Table settings and consumption practices

Pottery Function, Dining and Funerary Assemblages. A comparative study from northern Gaul
Alice Dananai and Xavier Deru

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From Table to Grave: Examining Table Settings in Roman Britain from Funerary Evidence
Edward Biddulph

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A Terra Sigillata Revolution? Terra sigillata consumption in first-century AD Roman Mediterranean Gaul
Benjamin P. Luley

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From the Spreadsheet to the Table? Using 'spot-dating' level pottery records from Roman London to explore functional trends among open vessel forms
Michael Marshall and Fiona Seeley

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Eating In and Dining Out in Roman Leicester: Exploring pottery consumption patterns across the town and its suburbs
Nicholas J. Cooper, Elizabeth Johnson and Martin J. Sterry

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Section 4. New techniques for collation, analysis and visualisation

Exploring Automated Pottery Identification [Arch-I-Scan]
Ivan Tyukin, Konstantin Sofeikov, Jeremy Levesley, Alexander N. Gorban, Penelope Allison and Nicholas J. Cooper

Summary | Table of Contents

Measuring Usewear on Black Gloss Pottery from Rome through 3D Surface Analysis
Laura M. Banducci, Rachel Opitz and Marcello Mogetta

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Building an Ontology of Tablewares using 'Legacy Data'
Daniël van Helden, Yi Hong and Penelope Allison

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Classifying and Visualising Roman Pottery using Computer-scanned Typologies
Jacqueline Christmas and Martin Pitts

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Multivariate and Spatial Visualisation of Archaeological Assemblages
Martin Sterry

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Section 5. Getting pots to the table: broader perspectives

Was there a Difference between Roman 'Civil' and 'Military' Samian (terra sigillata) Market Supply? Finding answers with statistical distribution analysis methods
Allard Mees

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Early Imperial Tableware in Roman Asia Minor: a perspective on the diachronic patterns and morphological developments
Rinse Willet

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How were Imitations of Samian Formed?
Tino Leleković

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Section 6. Discussion of this network

Big Data Analyses of Roman Tableware: information standards, digital technologies and research collaboration
Sarah Colley and Jane Evans

Summary | Table of Contents

The Echo of Past Choices: The Roman dining table under twenty-first century scrutiny
Steven Willis

Summary | Table of Contents


Appendix A: Roman Tablewares: some notes on definitions and terminology by Penelope Allison and Martin Pitts

Appendix B: Glossary and Abbreviations: 1) Fabrics, forms and their abbreviations 2)Other technical terms and abbreviations

Appendix C: 'Big Data on the Roman Table' Workshops


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