<h1>Appendix C. 'Big Data on the Roman Table' Workshop 1, University of Leicester, 26-27 September 2015. Organised by Penelope Allison and Martin Pitts</h1> <h2>Penelope Allison, Martin Pitts and Sarah Colley</h2>

Day 1: Current approaches to tablewares and consumption practice

Current practices and challenges: Describing and visualising artefacts and artefact assemblages to characterise consumption practice. Dealing with legacy data. Comparisons with other archaeological foodways analyses. Challenges and potential for analysis and visualisation
Foodways and Social Interaction: An introduction to the workshop themes using own case studies. Penelope Allison (University of Leicester, UK).
Eating and drinking along the boundaries of Roman Italy. Forms and functions of the coarse wares from the rubbish dumps of Augusta Taurinorum (Turin). Stefania Ratto (Soprintendenza Archeologia del Piemonte, Italy).
Eating in and eating out in Roman Leicester. Nick Cooper and Liz Johnson (University of Leicester Archaeological Services, UK).
Dinner with the neighbours? Issues with characterising, comparing and synthesising site assemblages from Roman London. Michael Marshall and Fiona Seeley (Museum of London Archaeology, UK).
Brief flirtations in time: studying rich but short-lived military interludes. David Breeze (formerly Historic Scotland, UK) and Rebecca Jones (Historic Scotland, UK).
Investigating changing consumption patterns through ceramic data: The perspective from Roman Mediterranean France. Benjamin P. Luley (University of Pennsylvania, USA).
Conceptual concerns: Determining vessel function(s) linked to social practices. Studying consumption via deposition. Differentiating choice from overarching supply patterns. Beyond quantification: analysing vessel size, colour, and usewear
Multi-functionality in Roman ceramics Laura Banducci (Carleton University, Canada)
Digging in the Pompeian storerooms: foodways and consumption patterns through legacy data Luana Toniolo and Laura D'Esposito (Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei, Italy)
Worth making a meal of: Why quantifying Roman pottery matters Edward Biddulph (Oxford Archaeology, UK)
Studying function for Roman pottery: some remarks Xavier Deru (Université de Lille, France)
Before it gets on the tableAllard Mees (Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz, Germany) and Geoffrey Dannell (Independent Researcher, UK)
On ontological data representationEmilio Tuosto, Yi Hong, Reiko Heckel and Stephan Reiff-Marganiec (University of Leicester, UK)

Day 2: New or specialist approaches: analysis and visualisation

Innovative techniques and analyses: Working between different scales of analysis. Bespoke quantitative analyses for extracting consumption-related patterns. Bespoke spatial analyses for extracting consumption-related patterns. Challenges and potential of analysis and visualisation
Tableware suites and shifting analytical scales: from micro to macro Martin Pitts (University of Exeter, UK)
Domestic production and consumption patterns in the Roman rural settlement of the Madrillian Region (Central Spain)Jesús Bermejo Tirado (University of York, Toronto, Canada)
Quantitative and spatial analysis of tableware from the canabae legionis at Nijmegen (NL) Rien Polak and Ryan Niemeijer (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, NL)
Asia Minor assemblages, differences in types/shapes between western seaboard and other sites, Sagalassos as producer – using range of visualisation methodsRinse Willet (University of Leiden, NL)
Developing a method for a spatial correspondence analysis Martin Sterry (University of Leicester, UK)
Data interpretation techniques Jeremy Levesley (University of Leicester, UK)
Reflections on Workshop 1David Mattingly (University of Leicester, UK)

Big Data on the Roman Table Workshop 2, University of Exeter, 6-7 July 2016. Organised by Martin Pitts and Penelope Allison

Session 1. Table settings in the Roman world
Part 1: Funerary contexts in the Roman west
Tablewares in funerary objectscapes. Styles of consumption in the Roman west Martin Pitts (University of Exeter, UK)
Pottery in burials. A discussion on vessel function(s) Alice Dananai and Xavier Deru (University of Lille, France)
Are ceramic grave groups proxy for table settings? Statistical and other approaches to identifying table settings in Roman Britain Edward Biddulph (Oxford Archaeology, UK)
Part 2: Finewares from Republic to Empire
A terra sigillata revolution? Changing dining practices in Roman Mediterranean France (1st c. BCE–2nd c. CE) Benjamin Luley (Gettysburg College, USA)
Gaulish terra sigillata - problems of vessel identification Allard Mees (Romisch Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz, Germany) and Geoffrey Daniel (Freelance Researcher, UK)
Tableware from the large Augustan camp on the Hunerberg, Nijmegen Ryan Niemeijer (Radboud University Nijmegen, NL)
The 'Standard for Pottery Studies in Archaeology' Jane Evans (Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service, UK)
Session 2. Developing approaches to vessel use
Measuring use wear on black gloss pottery from Rome through 3D surface analysis Laura Banducci (Carleton University, Canada), Marcello Mogetta (University of Missouri, USA), Rachel Opitz (University of Arkansas, USA), Damien Vurpillot (Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France), Valèrie Taillandier (Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France), Kyle Urquart (University of Arkansas, USA) and Stephanie Kimmel (University of Missouri, USA)
Domestic patterns of tableware consumption in Roman Celtiberia. An analytic approachJesús Bermejo Tirado (York University, Toronto, Canada)
Form follows function. A new approach to determining vessel functionVincent van der Veen (Radboud University Nijmegen, NL)
Calculating vessel volume as a means of understanding what could have been consumed from drinking vesselsWilliam Baddiley (University of Birmingham, UK)
Session 3: New approaches to collating, analysing and visualising data
Organic residue analysis and Roman pottery: past, present and future applications for understanding vessel use Lucy Cramp (University of Bristol, UK)
Was there a Leicester way of eating? Martin Sterry (University of Leicester, UK) and Nick Cooper (University of Leicester Archaeological Services, UK)
Building an inter-site ontological database using 'legacy data'Penelope Allison, Daan van Helden, and Yi Hong (University of Leicester, UK)
Classifying and visualising Roman pottery using computer-scanned typologiesJacqueline Christmas and Martin Pitts (University of Exeter, UK)
Exploring automated pottery scanningJeremy Levesley, Ivan Tyukin, Richard Burton and Penelope Allison (University of Leicester, UK)
Session 4: New data-sets
Large data or small data? Fineware finds at Kom al-Ahmer near Alexandria, EgyptMohamed Kenawi (Alexandria University, Egypt)
Roman finewares on the Danube frontier. The example of the Roman colony of MursaTino Leleković (Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, Croatia)
Tableware from Žuta lokva, Roman Dalmatia (Croatia). Ivana Ožanić Roguljić (Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb, Croatia)
Session 5. Reflections, conclusions and future directions
Research on the Roman table: aims, methods and data standardsSarah Colley (University of Leicester, UK)
Reflections on Workshop 2Steve Willis (University of Kent, UK)


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