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ABCD: Sparganium sp.

Sparganium sp.



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Site no Site Location Date Period
1397 Finck St 78 London, Lambeth, Greater London, England 1988 Roman-late medieval
Sample Period
1397a RO:PR.MD
1638 Runnymede 78 nr Egham, Berkshire, England 1992 Mesolithic-Neolithic-late Bronze Age
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1638g PH.BA.LB column SS1 channel deposits nr ??late Bronze Age? ? ?
1638h PH.BA.LB column WF1 channel deposits nr ??late Bronze Age? ? ?
1390 Sandal Castle 64-73 Wetherby/Leeds, West Yorkshire, England 1980 c. 1500-1600
Sample Period
1390a PR.PM.16
1042 Birmingham Moat 73-5 Birmingham, West Midlands, England 1980 medieval-post-medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1042a PR.PM.16:17 ML3 Base 3 moat fill fine sandy silt loam med/post-medieval 1450 1700
1042b PR.PM.16:17 ML3 Base 3 moat fill fine sandy silt loam med/post-medieval 1450 1700
1616 General Accident York 83-4 York, 24-30 Tanner Row, North Yorkshire, England 1990 roman-AS-medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1616b RO.MR Period 2 ( buildup & ditch fill - Roman 125 175
1616g RO.LR Period 7 ( well fill - Roman 225 350
1616k PR.MD.EM:HM Period 12 pit or well fills - Medieval 1200 1300
1638 Runnymede 78 nr Egham, E, London: British Museum. 1992 Mesolithic-Neolithic-late Bronze Age
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1638g PH.BA.LB column SS1 channel deposits nr ??late Bronze Age? ? ?
1638h PH.BA.LB column WF1 channel deposits nr ??late Bronze Age? ? ?
1926 Eastgate Beverley 83-86 Beverley, Humberside, England 1992 Anglian-medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1926a PR.SE:MD Phase 1 extensive layer sandy silt pre 8thc ? 750
1629 Farmoor 74-6 Farmoor, Upper Thames, Oxfordshire, England 1979 Iron Age-Roman
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1629a PH:RO.IA.RB.? (5) sump, gully & ditch fills - Iron Age ? ?
1925 Lurk Lane 79-82 Beverley, Humberside, England 1991 Anglian-medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1925b PR.SE.AS Phase 4 ditch fills highly organic 9th c 800 900
1530 Caerwent 02-09 nr Chepstow (Venta Silurum), Gwent, Wales 1978 ?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1530a RO.RB 1902-8 ex pit and well fills nr Roman ? ?
1623 The Bedern York 76-80 York, North Yorkshire, England 1986 ?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1623a RO (4) well fill matrix of course san Roman 300 450
1627 Sewer Lane 74 Kingston-upon-Hull, Humberside, England 1977 ?
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1627b PR.PM.16 Phase IV P pit fill organic post medieval 1500 1550
1920 Coppergate 76-81 York, North Yorkshire, England 1995 Roman-Anglo-Scand-medieval
Sample Period Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1920b PR.SE.AS combined data ? Anglo-Scand ???? ????
1219 Hertford Civic Hall 67 Hertford, The Wash, Hertfordshire, England 1977 medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1219a PR.MD.HM 11 & 13 ditch fill grey silt medieval 1200 1300

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