Summary on the skeletal findings

A complete catalogue, provided in a searchable database, giving the identity and other information about each bone or bone fragment is included. [Also available for download and offline use as a comma-separated file]

The osteological analysis confirmed the number of individuals at three, nicknamed Tom, Dick, and Harry. The general profile for each person is summarised below:


Sex: male
Age: 17 +/-2 years
Race: likely Caucasian
Stature: 168 +/-4cm
Pathology:Evidence suggestive of disease. If so, the exact cause remains unknown. Caries and periodontitis associated with poor dental hygiene.
Anomalies: Demonstrated the presence of spina bifida occulta, evident in the sacral region.
Cause of death: Could not be determined.
General: Very well built. Probably smoked tobacco and/or drank tea regularly.


Sex: male
Age: 22 +/-3 years
Race: likely Caucasian
Stature: 167 +/-4cm
Pathology: Little evidence of pathology with the exception of probable periodontitis, associated with poor dental hygiene.
Anomalies: Laterally deviated spinous processes in the thoracic vertebral column, of unknown cause.
Cause of death: Could not be determined.
General: Inconclusive evidence suggests that Dick may have been higher in rank aboard Pandora.


Sex: male
Age: 28 +/-4 years
Race: Caucasian
Stature:166 +/-3cm
Pathology: Evidence suggestive of long-term systemic disease. Well-developed caries and periodontal disease associated with poor dental hygiene and a bony mandibular abscess. Localised surface porosity on the left radius of unknown origin.
Anomalies: Developmental anomalies of the skull, suggestive of pathology.
Cause of death: Could not be determined.
General: Probably smoked tobacco.


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Last updated: Thu Mar 28 2002