Appendix 3 - Occupational Standards for Archaeological Practice: 'Module C'
C - Recover data from the historic environment
e.g. Unit AC1 Standard AC1.1, AC1.2 etc.
- AC1 - Research and analyse information to achieve objectives [imported Cultural Heritage Unit A2]
- AC1.1 - Identify sources and availability of information
- AC1.2 - Collect information to achieve research objectives
- AC1.3 - Analyse research information
- AC1.4 - Report results
- AC2 -Conduct non-intrusive investigations
- AC2.1 - Prepare for operations
- AC2.2 - Observe and record measurements
- AC2.3 - Analyse and present investigation data
- AC3 - Contribute to non-intrusive investigations
- AC4 - Conduct intrusive investigations
- AC4.1 - Prepare for operations
- AC4.2 - Undertake intrusive investigations
- AC4.3 - Assess and present investigation data
- AC5 - Contribute to intrusive investigations
- AC5.1 - Prepare for operations
- AC5.2 - Undertake intrusive investigations
- AC5.3 - Prepare records and schedules
- AC6 - Store items
- AC6.1 - Identify the appropriate environment in which to maintain and protect
- AC6.2 - Control the environment to preserve and protect items
- AC7 - Organise the transfer of items [imported Cultural Heritage Unit D3/4]
- AC7.1 - Identify the handling requirements of an item
- AC7.2 - Pack an item for transportation to a new location
- AC7.3 - Monitor the transportation of items
- AC7.4 - Monitor the installation of items within a new location
Last updated: Tue Sep 10 2002
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