Appendix 2 - Occupational Standards for Archaeological Practice: unit titles
A - Provide guidance and set policies for the investigation, recording, management and conservation of the historic environment
- AA1 - Develop policies and guidance for archaeology
- AA2 - Commission research
- AA3 - Propose and plan a research project
- AA4 - Establish plans and monitor policy implementation
- AA5 - Provide guidance on and process applications for resource support
B - Plan, specify and agree requirements for the investigation, recording, management, conservation and presentation of the historic environment
- AB1 - Develop and agree objectives for projects
- AB2 - Propose and agree project methods
- AB3 - Agree a brief
- AB4 - Estimate resources and develop programmes
- AB5 - Co-ordinate the procurement process
- AB6 - Prepare and agree the contract
C - Recover data from the historic environment
- AC1 - Research and analyse information to achieve objectives (archaeology) (CH Unit A2)
- AC2 - Conduct non-intrusive investigations
- AC3 - Contribute to non-intrusive investigations
- AC4 - Conduct intrusive investigations
- AC5 - Contribute to intrusive investigations
- AC6 - Store items
- AC7 - Transfer items
D - Interpret and test findings from investigations
- AD1 - Undertake analysis and interpretation
E - Conserve material evidence of past communities
- AE1 - Characterise the archaeological resource and recommend action
- AE2 - Assess options for conserving the archaeological resource in situ
- AE3 - Identify and describe items (archaeology) (based on CH Unit A4)
- AE4 - Develop conservation plans for items (archaeology) (CH Unit E5)
- AE5 - Develop and implement preventive conservation procedures for items (archaeology) (CH Unit E8)
- AE6 - Apply preventive care procedures to items (archaeology) (CH Unit E3)
- AE7 - Develop and implement remedial conservation procedures for items (archaeology) (CH Unit E7)
- AE8 - Implement routine interventive conservation procedures (archaeology) (CH Unit E2)
F - Manage information on the material remains of past communities
- AF1 - Develop information systems to meet the needs of users (archaeology) (CH Unit B1)
- AF2 - Develop procedures for the use of information systems (archaeology) (CH Unit B2)
- AF3 - Classify, compile and maintain data on the material remains of past communities
- AF4 - Provide information on the material remains of past communities to others
G - Manage archaeological collections
- AG1 - Develop strategies for the maintenance and use of a collection (archaeology) (CH Unit C1)
- AG2 - Prepare the accommodation of items (archaeology) (CH Unit C4)
- AG3 - Acquire and dispose of items and collections (archaeology) (CH Unit C2)
- AG4 - Lend and borrow items (archaeology) (CH Unit C3)
H - Promote an understanding of the historic environment
- AH1 - Devise a strategy for interpretation and learning (archaeology) (CH Unit F2)
- AH2 - Commission work on interpretative and educational media (archaeology) (CH Unit F5)
- AH3 - Identify and evaluate the requirements of users of learning and interpretative activities (archaeology) (CH Unit F3)
- AH4 - Plan and deliver interpretative activities (archaeology) (CH Unit F7)
- AH5 - Plan marketing activities
J - Manage the archaeological organisation
- AJ1 - Develop a strategy for the development of an archaeological organisation (CH Unit H1)
- AJ2 - Represent the interests of an archaeological organisation (CH Unit H2)
- AJ3 - Develop public relations strategies (archaeology) (CH Unit J20)
- AJ4 - Agree professional services
- AJ5 - Select personnel for activities (NFMED C8)
- AJ6 - Develop teams and individuals
- AJ7 - Oversee project costs, quality and progress
- AJ8 - Prepare for potential disasters (archaeology) (CH Unit E9)
- AJ9 - Reduce risks to health and safety in the workplace
- AJ10 - Contribute to health and safety in the workplace (NFMED C16)
- AJ11 - Manage the performance of teams and individuals (CH Unit J9)
- AJ12 - Deal with poor performance in your team (NFMED C16)
- AJ13 - Devise and implement methods to resource an archaeological organisation (CH Unit H3)
- AJ14 - Manage finance in the business unit
- AJ15 - Evaluate project achievements and secure improvements (OSCEng EPM59)
K Define and control quality and professional standards
- AK1 - Maintain compliance with archaeological requirements
- AK2 - Contribute to advances in the body of knowledge and archaeological practice
- AK3 - Develop your own resources and protect the interests of others
Key References
The bracketed references at the end of unit titles refer to the following Standards Setting Bodies from whom units have been imported:
Last updated: Tue Sep 10 2002
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