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Section 12: Acknowledgements

The project 'Engendering Roman Spaces' is funded by an Australian Research Council QE II Fellowship. I am grateful to the Australian Research Council and to the Australian National University for providing me with the opportunity to carry out this research.

I particularly wish to thank the research team who have worked so enthusiastically on this project. Dr Andrew Fairbairn was appointed in 2001 to translate published excavation catalogues into a digital format and the success of this project owes much to his creativity and enthusiasm. Steven Ellis was appointed to digitise the site maps and plans and has been committed to producing excellent maps. They have both been great assets to the project. Pat Faulkner took over from Andy in 2004 and I thank him for his dedication to bringing this article to fruition, not least his excellent computer drafting skills. I am also grateful to Christopher Blackall (Centre for Cross Cultural Research, Australian National University), who, from the early stages in the development of the technical side of the project, has given freely of his time and expertise, advising on the best procedures to follow, and recommending the appropriate software and the overall methodology for merging the textual and cartographic information in ArcGIS. In addition I wish to acknowledge the technical support of Karl Nissen (Department of Geography, Australian National University), who has not shied away from the weird things that archaeologists want to do with GIS.

Without Norbert Hanel's careful and dedicated study of Hans Lehner's excavations of Vetera I, it would not have been possible to use this important site as a sample for this study. I thank him for his permission to use his work in this manner and to reproduce some of his drawings and for his comments on this paper. Last, but not least, I am also grateful to Carol van Driel Murray, Astrid Böhme and Lindsay Allason-Jones for their support and for sharing with me their expertise in engendering Roman artefacts and to the anonymous referees for their comments and amendments. However, they are not responsible for the views in this article.

Penelope M. Allison
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Last updated: Mon Apr 4 2005