In the strict geological sense refers to any sediment transported and deposited by a river, but is taken here to denote fine-grained sediment deposited on the floodplain.
An anabranching river is characterised by multiple channels which rejoin. Channel banks may be stable or unstable, and the term can be taken to include both anastomosing and braided types.
An anastomosing river is characterised by a multiple-channel form, with low-sinuosity channels and cohesive banks within a stable floodplain.
A sudden change in the course of a river, involving the abandonment or near abandonment of one channel for another.
A braided river is characterised by a multiple-channel form, with shallow low-sinuosity channels and non-cohesive banks within an unstable floodplain.
A meandering river is characterised by highly sinuous channels within a relatively stable floodplain.
The seasonal impounding of tidal waters, ensuring deposition of tidal silts to enhance soil fertility.