[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 20 (2006/2007)


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Editorial - Judith Winters

Submitted: July 2007; Published: July 2007
Words: 594 (7KB)
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Joining the Dots: Continuous Survey, Routine Practice and the Interpretation of a Cypriot Landscape - Michael Given, Hugh Corley and Luke Sollars

Submitted: May 2006; Published: July 2007
Words: 49982 (517 KB); Images: 53 (13.5MB); Panoramas: 6 (5.4MB); Database; Digital archive
Summary | Table of Contents

The palaeochannel record in the Trent Valley UK: contributions towards cultural heritage management - Steve Baker

Submitted: May 2006; Published: April 2007
Words: 11997 (115 KB); Images: 12 (4.4 MB); Interactive map
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Humans, Other Animals and Disease: a comparative approach towards the development of a standardised recording protocol for animal palaeopathology - Stephanie Vann and Richard Thomas

Submitted: August 2006; Published: November 2006
Words: 11568 (104 KB); Images: 4 (706 KB); PDFs: 4 (82 KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Archaeological Vector Graphics and SVG: A case study from Cricklade - Holly Wright

Submitted: March 2006; Published: July 2006
Words: 16232 (134 KB); Images: 15 (1.5 MB); Interactive image (SVG)
Summary | Table of Contents

Predictive Modelling and Time: An Experiment in Temporal Archaeological Predictive Models - David Ebert

Submitted: November 2005; Published: August 2006
Words: 8646 (69KB); Images: 26 (3.2MB)
Summary | Table of Contents


The Architecture of Mud and Qudad (DVDs) - Enrico Fodde

"...should be in the shelves of every conservation library..."
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Barrow Hill: Curse of the Ancient Circle (PC Game) - Michael Charno

"...a fun, challenging game that maintained a good archaeological back story throughout"
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