TAESP: Places of Special Interest Dataset

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POSI Number TP252
GU number
SIA Number TS15
Intensive Survey Zone Karkotis
Village Katydhata
Locality Pano Limna
Easting 488840.00
Northing 3882085.00
Source Image Print
Team Leader MJG
Summary LR architecture and pottery appearing in bulldozed section
Topography Pediment (slope) cut by Hht
Vegetation Batha above (to W); plough soil below (to E)
Access Adjacent to tarmac road on W side of Karkotis Valley
Description Environment SIA overlies low-sloping (c. 6 degrees) E-facing Holocene (active) pediment apron along base of N-trending basalt hills/ridge of western valley wall. Sediment native to site is thing (< 25 cm) and composed of basalt and calcareous fragments of vein K3 + petrocalcic soil horizons in the pillow lavas. Local concentrations of 30-80 cm thick deposits of SCL to L textured soils (tilled) and deposits (section at TP119). In section, at TP119, there appear to be aligned stones and 'muddier' deposits below a 25-40 cm thick thin-bedded pebble to gravelly SL-LS deposit; and infilled channels (one is a rill, the other is a c. 0.8 x 3 m channel) with accretionery beds of pebbles and finer grained beds. Gully is located to S and is seasonally flowing. Water source is likely the Karkotis Valley c. 100 m away.
Pottery Abundant
Tile Some
Chipped Stone None
Ground Stone None
Slag None
Architecture Some
Visibility (%) 90
Description POSI Section cut by bulldozer, c. 25 m long. On western edge of newly cut field, directly under northern group of beehives. Mujch of Western part of field is cut out of bedrock; only occasional sherds. Above (W of) terrace is fairly level terrace, then gully, then thin-soiled hillslope. Rubble wall (c. 2 courses high), with layer of melted mud brick above it, then 30-40 cm of slope wash. Lots of Roman pottery eroding out. 6 organic PUs collection from section: PU01-PU05 (strata 1-5) and PU06 (surface). Material includes lots of pottery, 1 chipped stone, 1 ground stone, 2 mortars. NB: this used to be TP119, but on 7/1/05 MJG created it as a separate POSI to distinguish it from the grid (which remains TP119)
Condition Eroding
Settlement Yes
Church No
Building Yes
Bridge No
Check Dam No
Threshing Floor No
Tomb No
Kiln No
Other Structure No
Rock No
Mine/Adit No
Botany No
Extraction No
Road No
Pottery Yes
Lithics No
View No
Geomorphology No
Prehistoric No
Iron Age No
Hellenistic/Roman Yes
Medieval/Ottoman No
Modern No
Slag No
Shrine No
Entered By MJG
Entered Date 30/7/2002 00:00:00
Recorded By MJG
Recorded Date 30/7/2002 00:00:00