
This article has been funded by the projects CGL2006-2956-BOS (Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia), and PaleoDiversitas (Fundación Séneca, Murcia). Reported failures are associated with a number of other projects, among which we select the following: EU: EV5V-CT91-0037, MEC: CG85-117, PB86-0615, PB88-80, PB-88-90, PB90-79, PB-91-42, PB91-897, PB93-446, CLI97-445-C02, BOS2000-149, CGL2006-13327-C04-01/CLI, REN2003-09130-CO2-02, CARM-Fundación Séneca: PIB93-8, PI17-739-FS, CSIC: PIE-200710I011, CAM-CCG07-HUM 1924, and several other minor funding actions by Junta de Andalucía, Gobierno de Aragón, Junta de Castilla-León, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses, Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, IGME, and Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra 'Jaume Almera' (CSIC). Mike Turner (Brunel University) kindly checked the English of an earlier version of this manuscript.


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Last updated: Mon Feb 23 2009