1. Introduction

P. Davenport, A. Hunt and D. Hurst

Final work on the Blackstone excavation archive was framed as a backlog archaeological project arising from pre-PPG16 gravel extraction. The aim was to unlock the archive's potential to contribute to the research debate about the region in the Iron Age, in particular the apparent contrast between south and north Worcestershire in that period, and to inform management strategies relating to future mineral extraction in the wider region.

An audit was first carried out on the archive (Hurst and Pearson 2007), followed by an assessment (Hurst et al. 2007). The current report retains the results of the 1979 Iron Age site structural analysis largely intact, and it is accompanied by a modern commentary, allied with the updated finds and environmental reporting, and overall discussion. The purpose of this has been to provide an example of archaeological interpretation changing across a span of 30 years (1979-2008) in order to demonstrate its evolving nature. Only limited review of site analysis carried out up to 1979 was possible given the constraints on the project budget, and no overall new site analysis was undertaken.

1.1 Aims

The completion of the site reporting is intended to deliver the following in terms of English Heritage core ALSF Priority Objectives 1-3 (Hurst et al. 2007):

The analysis and dissemination of the project archive also supports the recently defined wider strategic focus on the River Severn (English Heritage 2004) by contributing to the general understanding, research and future management of the archaeological resource in the river valley.


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Last updated: Wed July 21 2010