5.5.1 Identifying and discussing variability in responses

Evaluating variability across the group, it was immediately evident from the more general chapters (i.e. those not related to a specific artefact), that different participants were opting to illustrate chapters in unique ways. For example, for the chapter on discipline culture, the following responses were provided as examples of 'most useful images'.

'Matthew 8 :18'

'Figures included are quite useful.'

'Corinthians verse (with hand graphics) [1 Corinthians 12:12-26]'

'Church plans, distribution map and black stool picture show this new form of church structure.'

'Artefact distribution map.'

'discipline stool, jougs [punishment collar]'

'Biblical verse images.'

Perhaps even more interestingly, one participant found the lack of certain images the most useful illustration, stating:

Relationship between lack of Scots bible and discipline — no image in collage packs showing Scots [language].

When discussed in interview, this participant stated that the decision not to include any word art in Scots language was one of the most 'illustrating' visual choices made by the researcher. It was a fascinating revelation to discover that the participant audience created for this project could engage with and participate in unintended absences of material culture, and did so in meaningful and interesting ways. This was particularly revealing as it in some way reflected part of the spectrum of the subject audience (the reforming Scottish communities), for many of whom absences may have been as significant, or more so, than the new presences within their worship environment. Furthermore, it also hinted at possible concerns of the day. How significant might the lack of Scot's Bible have been to ordinary Scots as discipline culture was established?


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