2.2 Previous analysis and fieldwork projects

Two archaeological projects have previously utilised the CLHC LIDAR dataset. Firstly, Alexander Portch conducted a transcription of the dataset in conjunction with the Gloucestershire County Council Archaeology Service (GCC). This research project primarily focused on identifying evidence for prehistoric agricultural activity. The analysis adopted a multi-proxy approach to LIDAR interpretation and, in addition to the production of multi-azimuth hillshaded imagery, performed SVF analysis on selected areas of the dataset. The analysis resulted in the identification of 38 new sites, including several possible prehistoric round and long barrows, previously unrecorded by the HER (Portch 2011, 59-63).

In addition, the Gloucester and District Archaeological Research Group (GADARG) manages an HLF-funded 'ground truthing' project based on a transcription of the CLHC LIDAR dataset performed by the GCC Archaeology Service (Charlesworth and Comtesse 2010, 2-3). To date, eight areas have been investigated using both desk-based and predominantly non-invasive fieldwork techniques, although some small excavation of a possible civil war defensive ditch was performed. Notably, much of the work was conducted by volunteers, under the guidance of GCC Archaeology Service. Investigation of all eight sites yielded further information on the nature of the features on the LIDAR data, illustrating the value of ground truthing interpretation (expert and non-expert) and the utility of LIDAR-based interpretations as a key link in the evidentiary chain of archaeological investigation, driving subsequent detailed analysis.

Another notable project conducted in the region is the National Mapping Project (NMP), a project that involves the digital transcription of archaeological features visible on aerial photographs. The Cotswolds Hills NMP project extent overlaps with the western part of the CLHC LIDAR dataset and uncovered mainly medieval and post-medieval period features, as well as significant amounts of features relating to Second World War military activity, substantially adding to and improving the current monument record of the area (Janik et al. 2011, 1).


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