List of Figures

Figure 1: A map of central Europe showing the location of the site in its geographical setting. Image credit: L. Šmejda.

Figure 2: A plan of Bell Beaker grave no. VIII showing orientation of the body and grave goods. Image credit: L. Šmejda.

Figure 3: A plan of Holešov cemetery with highlighted graves of the Bell Beaker culture. Image credit: L. Šmejda.

Figure 4: Holešov: an archival photograph showing the progress of excavation in the 1969 season. A view at the north part of the cemetery with several graves superimposed. Used with permission, courtesy of the Archaeological Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Brno. (Not covered by CC-BY licence. Permission will be required for any further use)

Figure 5: An example of male burial (no. 147) with grave goods (stone arrowheads and flake, cattle ribs). Image credit: L. Šmejda.

Figure 6: An example of male burial (no. 7) with grave goods (faience bead, nacre beads, copper hair ornaments, cattle ribs). Image credit: L. Šmejda.

Figure 7: A plan of Holešov cemetery showing the distribution of graves with stone arrowheads. Image credit: L. Šmejda.

Figure 8: A plan of Holešov cemetery showing the distribution of grave depths. Image credit: L. Šmejda.

Figure 9: A photo showing the location of Holešov cemetery in its landscape setting. Image credit: L. Šmejda.

Figure 10: a)Frequency of recorded burial events in a 5m grid, b) Relative density of burials, the original cell values are smoothed by kernel filtering for better visualisation. Image credit: L. Šmejda.

Figure 11: Plans of Holešov cemetery showing the relative density of selected grave goods: a) stone implements, b) animal (cattle?) ribs, c) copper objects (after Šmejda 2004). Image credit: L. Šmejda.

Figure 12: A plan of Holešov cemetery showing the spatial trend of tin content in metal objects (Global Polynomial Interpolation method). Image credit: L. Šmejda.

Figure 13: Holešov cemetery: a map of fact space based on the scores of factors 1 and 2 (horizontal and vertical axes respectively). Burials are clustered according to the degree of similarity in content of grave goods in combination with the gender of buried individuals. The shading in grey represents the zonal distribution of grave depths. Image credit: L. Šmejda.

Figure 14: Holešov cemetery: a map of fact space based on the scores of factors 3 and 4 (horizontal and vertical axes respectively). Burials are clustered according to the degree of similarity content of grave goods in combination with the gender of buried individuals. The shading in grey represents the zonal distribution of grave lengths. Image credit: L. Šmejda.