[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 36 (2014)


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Editorial - Judith Winters

Submitted: August 2014; Published: August 2014
Words: 766 (9KB); Images: 0(0KB)
Full Text

Laying Bare the Landscape: commercial archaeology and the potential of digital spatial data - Wendy Morrison, Roger M. Thomas and Chris Gosden

Proposal received: February 2014; Submitted: May 2014 ; Published: August 2014
Words: 3513(42KB); Images: 7(4MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

How are teeth better than bone? An investigation of dental tissue diagenesis and state of preservation at a histological scale (with photo catalogue) - Hege I. Hollund, Miranda M.E. Jans and Henk Kars

Proposal received: September 2012; Submitted: January 2014; Published: July 2014
Words: 7728(222KB); Images: 71(17.3MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

GIS Visualisations of Mortuary Data from Holešov, Czech Republic - Ladislav Šmejda

Proposal received: October 2009; Submitted: October 2013 ; Published: June 2014
Words: 13259 (181KB); Images: 14 (3MB)
Summary/Souhrn | Table of Contents

Making Place for a Viking Fortress. An archaeological and geophysical reassessment of Aggersborg, Denmark - Hannah Brown, Helen Goodchild and Søren M. Sindbæk

Proposal received: May 2011; Submitted: December 2012 ; Published: June 2014
Words: 19651 (291KB); Images: 42 (36MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Least-cost Paths - Some Methodological Issues - Irmela Herzog

Proposal received: September 2013; Submitted: December 2013 ; Published: June 2014
Words: 15142 (264KB); Images: 7 (855KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Jarlshof Lost and Found: Low altitude aerial photography and computer-generated visualisation for the interpretation of the complex settlement remains found at Jarlshof, Shetland - Kieran Baxter

Proposal received: April 2013; Submitted: August 2013 ; Published: March 2014
Words: 8378 (100KB); Images: 20 (5MB); Video: 1 (51MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Data Papers

AustArch: A Database of 14C and Non-14C Ages from Archaeological Sites in Australia - Composition, Compilation and Review (Data Paper) - Alan N. Williams, Sean Ulm, Mike Smith, Jill Reid (Referee statement by Pete Veth)

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Heathrow Terminal 5 Excavation Archive (Data Paper) - Framework Archaeology, compiled by Niall Donald. (Referee statement by Nicholas J. Cooper)

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Review of Gabii Goes Digital [website] - Marco Nebbia

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