List of Figures

Figure 1: Map showing locations discussed in text (Image credit: Brad Ochocki)

Figure 2: Photographs of the principal fishing gear recorded during 2009 and 2010 ethnographic fieldwork undertaken by Quintana Morales (2013a):

  1. Uzio trap (Image credit: E.M. Quintana Morales)
  2. close up of local materials used for uzio (Image credit: E.M. Quintana Morales)
  3. close up of fisher constructing lema trap (Image credit: E.M. Quintana Morales)
  4. Malema fishing – collecting the catch from a large lema out at sea (Image credit: E.M. Quintana Morales)
  5. Mshipi fisher catches a barracuda on an ngalawa boat (Image credit: Philippe Béarez)
  6. line and hook (Image credit: E.M. Quintana Morales)
  7. Nyavu fishing – ring net hung out to dry (Image credit: E.M. Quintana Morales)
  8. casting net by hand (Image credit: E.M. Quintana Morales)

Figure 3: Relative percentage of habitats represented in each sample. The total NISP is in parentheses after each settlement name (Image credit: E.M. Quintana Morales)

Figure 4: Relative percentages of habitats exploited across time in the Shanga sample. The total NISP is in parentheses after the approximate mid-point date of each period, set out in approximate calendar dates CE (Image credit: E.M. Quintana Morales)