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Issue 37 (2014). Human Exploitation of Aquatic Landscapes


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A special issue edited by Ricardo Fernandes and John Meadows

This themed issue has been funded by the Graduate School "Human Development in Landscapes", University of Kiel with additional funding from the Institute for Ecosystem Research, University of Kiel and the Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology, Schloss Gottorf.

Human Exploitation of Aquatic Landscapes. Editorial - Ricardo Fernandes and John Meadows

Submitted: November 2014 ; Published: November 2014
Words: 1235 (13KB); Images: 0(0KB)
Full Text

Beneath Still Waters - Multistage Aquatic Exploitation of Euryale ferox (Salisb.) during the Acheulian
Naama Goren-Inbar, Yoel Melamed, Irit Zohar, Kumar Akhilesh and Shanti Pappu

Proposal received: October 2013; Submitted: April 2014 ; Published: September 2014
Words: 10,154 (154KB); Images: 10 (2MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

4200 New Shell Mound Sites in the Southern Red Sea
M.G. Meredith-Williams, N.Hausmann, R.H.Inglis and G.N. Bailey

Proposal received: September 2013; Submitted: June 2014 ; Published: September 2014
Words: 7183 (94KB); Images: 10 (583KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Fishing and Fish Consumption in the Swahili Communities of East Africa, 700–1400 CE
Eréndira M. Quintana Morales and Mark Horton

Proposal received: September 2013; Submitted: April 2014 ; Published: September 2014
Words: 6542 (92KB); Images: 11 (634KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

The 'Wretched Poor' and the Sea: Contest and exploitation of Achill Island's historic maritime landscape
Shannon Dunn and Chuck Meide

Proposal received: September 2013; Submitted: May 2014 ; Published: September 2014
Words: 9963 (123KB); Images: 77 (15MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Direct Evidence for Bottom-fishing in Archaeological Whelks (Buccinum undatum)
Greg Campbell and Michael Russell

Proposal received: September 2013; Submitted: April 2014 ; Published: September 2014
Words: 6797 (103KB); Images: 9 (931KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Shellfish from the Bronze Age Site of Clos des Châtaigniers (Mathieu, Normandy, France)
Caroline Mougne, Catherine Dupont, David Giazzon, Laurent Quesnel

Proposal received: September 2013; Submitted: May 2014 ; Published: September 2014
Words: 6807 (110KB); Images: 9 (8.3MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Late Mesolithic-Early Neolithic Sealers: a case study on the exploitation of marine resources during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the south-western Baltic Sea
Aikaterini Glykou

Proposal received: September 2013; Submitted: May 2014 ; Published: November 2014
Words: 9514 (153KB); Images: 6 (63MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Exploitation of Aquatic Resources in Ahanve, Badagry, south-western Nigeria
E.A. Orijemie

Proposal received: September 2013; Submitted: May 2014 ; Published: November 2014
Words: 5349 (86KB); Images: 6 (1MB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Inland Ertebølle Culture: the importance of aquatic resources and the freshwater reservoir effect in radiocarbon dates from pottery food crusts
Bente Philippsen and John Meadows

Proposal received: September 2013; Submitted: May 2014 ; Published: November 2014
Words: 7050 (107KB); Images: 3 (222KB)
Summary | Table of Contents

Increasing Mobility at the Neolithic/Bronze Age Transition - sulphur isotope evidence from Öland, Sweden
Anna Linderholm, Elin Fornander, Gunilla Eriksson, Carl-Magnus Mörth and Kerstin Lidén

Proposal received: September 2013; Submitted: May 2014 ; Published: November 2014
Words: 12665 (188KB); Images: 6 (1MB)
Summary | Table of Contents


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