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4.5.3 Pithoi Coarse Creamware 1

This is the same fabric as Coarse creamware 1 and was also used for pottery and amphorae. In the pithoi the fabric tends to have a darker color than in the pottery.

Type 4

Everted, thickened and rolled rim (cf. Fig.; cf. Attolini and Perkins 1992, Fig. 14-5; Perkins and Walker 1990, Fig. 33.8, 34.1-5).

Type 13

Hooked rim with flat top (cf. Fig.; cf. Perkins and Walker 1990, Fig. 35.4).

Type 17

Slightly overhanging rim with a flat top (cf. Fig.; cf. Perkins and Walker 1990, Fig. 29.5). Frequent occurence on Roman sites suggests it is a late Etruscan and Roman shape.

Type 21

Wide horizontal overhanging rim


Fig. 152. Pithoi type 21
© P.Perkins 1997

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Last updated: Fri Nov 13 1998