3.4 GigaPan

View outputs from project on Gigapan

During the 2009 field season the robotic camera system (Gigpan Epic) together with a Canon Ixus digital camera, was used to capture 360 degree panoramic images of sites and monuments found across the Stonehenge landscape. Photographs of the excavations on the Bluestonehenge as well as the wider landscape were included. The location of each panorama was recorded using a differential Global Positioning System (dGPS). Panoramas were created using the Gigapan stitching software, and were uploaded to the Gigapan host website together with a description of the subject and key words. Using the dGPS derived coordinates (accurate to ±3cm) each panorama was geolocated within Google Earth via the GigaPan website tools. Each of these was then saved as individual KML files, which were then merged to create one layer file for the entire panorama dataset.

On completion, the material for Seeing Beneath Stonehenge was combined into a series of layers entitled: Landscape, Trenches, Geophysics, Videos, 3D Models, Gigapan and Archaeology. The creation of these was done deliberately to mimic the functionality of the original primary layers in Google Earth (see section 1.1), with the aim of leading to a coherent and streamlined end user experience (Figure 1, Video 1).