List of Figures

Figure 1: Roman coin hoards from Britain with a terminus post quem of AD 402 or later. Note that the Traprain Hoard (East Lothian, Scotland) and Coleraine hoard (Northern Ireland) are off the map

Figure 2: Single finds of Roman coins in Britain, struck after AD 402

Figure 3: Silver siliquae of the period AD 388-402 (Reece Period 21) found in Britain (It is not recorded if the Welsh siliquae were clipped or not.)

Figure 4: Single-finds of Theodosian nummi, AD 388-402 (Reece Period 21) and bronze hoards with a terminus post quem of AD 402

Figures 5a-c: Maps showing assemblages with above-average coin-loss for the late 3rd and early 4th centuries (Fig, 5a), mid-4th century (Figure 5b) and late-4th century (Figure 5c). The assemblages were divided into three sub-groups based on their chronology using DMax Cluster Analysis. For more detailed discussion of average values, see Walton 2012, 103 passim.


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