7. The Nature of Archaeology as a Discipline 2004-2013

The maps presented here provide a visual representation of archaeology as a single discipline. It must be remembered that these maps are not a representation of the individual source, author or term elements of archaeology laid out against independent parameters; they are representations from the perspective of accumulated citation links made by archaeological practitioners from one document to another, using the terms that archaeologists refer to in their writings. The techniques of citation analysis used here (co-citation of sources and authors, the choice and narrative association of terms) as well as the mapping program employed to visualise these relationships pick out sources, authors and terms as nodes that archaeological researchers have chosen to cite or use, and places them closest to other nodes that this same group of practitioners most commonly associates with them. These maps, therefore, visualise the discipline of archaeology as archaeological practitioners have described it between 2004 and 2013, and allowing for limitations in WoS indexing of certain forms of publication as discussed earlier. With this understood, we can begin to identify and think about certain broader features of the discipline as revealed in these maps.


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