List of Figures and Tables

Figure 1: Relationships between the categories of 'project fieldwork event', 'stand-alone fieldwork event' and 'site' within AMCR semantics

Figure 2: Model of an iterative cycle of archaeological knowledge formation based on fieldwork research. 1: Main categories – data classes; 2: referential data classes; 3: categories of a potential development of the AMCR in the future; 4: 1:N relations; 5: M:N relations; 6: phases of archaeological fieldwork activities

Figure 3: A: Entering screen of the AMCR desktop client with the signpost towards the main AMCR modules. B: Project record form with several parts corresponding to individual phases of data collection (process states)

Figure 4: AMCR data model; letters mark segments of the system. A: Field interventions (projects); B: fieldwork events; C: sites; D: scientific description/contents of events and sites; E: formal description of documents; F: specific extensions for aerial archaeology; G: scientific contents of documents; H: spatial units (PIAN); J: catalogue of bibliographic references (external sources); K: details of the documentation units for the scopes of the IIS ASP project (description of 'trenches'); L: scientific analyses and expert assessments; M: recording finds obtained by metal detectors (under development)

Figure 5: Screenshot of the alpha-version of the GIS interface (map) of IIS ASP. 1: Switch of the map and data views; 2: mapping interface; 3: drivers and tools of the map interface; 4: filter form of an active specialised layer; 5: other specialised layers. Data sources: © Institute for Planning and Development of the City of Prague

Figure 6: Data flow scheme of the IIS ASP

Figure 7: Synoptic grid map of the settlement zone in Bohemia, including data from the Palaeolithic up to the Early Middle Ages (altogether 10 periods). A: Sum of the maps (values between 0-10); B: previous map after a low-pass filtering in the 3 × 3m square grid)

Figure 8: Cover of the Archaeological Atlas of Bohemia publication

Figure 9: Example of the site description in the Archaeological Atlas of Bohemia publication. Deserted medieval village and fortified manor Ostrov by Jedomělice

Figure 10: The Internet application of the Archaeological Atlas of Bohemia on a smart phone. From the left: (i) loading of the QR code from the book; (ii) introductory page of the České Lhotice site; (iii) a plan of the same site, and (iv) downloaded source of additional information, in this particular case an article from the Památky archeologické journal

Figure 11: Proposed conceptual design of the data model for description of the past landscape

Table 1: Part of the Activity Areas glossary and its match to the Activity glossary. Terms in capitalized letters are hierarchically higher than the following (hierarchically lower) expressions. Both levels may be used to record fieldwork event components


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