[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 43 (2017). Digital Archaeological Heritage. EAC symposium proceedings

Edited by Keith May


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This volume of the proceedings of the 17th European Archaeological Council Heritage Management Symposium 2016 has been funded by Historic England.

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Digital Archaeological Heritage: an introduction
Keith May
Theme proposal received: March 2016; Accepted: November 2016; Published: 6 March 2017

Measuring and Sensing

It's all in the pixels: high resolution remote sensing data and the mapping and analysis of the archaeological and historical landscape
Erwin Meylemans, Karl Cordemans, Katrien Cousserier and Isabelle Jansen

Summary | Table of Contents

Free and Open Source Software development in Archaeology. Two interrelated case studies: gvSIG CE and Survey2GIS
David Bibby and Benjamin Ducke

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Non-invasive Archaeology in the Republic of Moldova – an example of multidisciplinary approach and international partnerships
Sergiu Musteaţă, Alexandru Popa and Hans-Ulrich Voß

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Data to Knowledge

Archaeological Data in the GIS portal of the National Heritage Board of Poland
Agnieszka Oniszczuk and Agnieszka Makowska

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Digitising the Archaeological Process at the Swedish National Heritage Board: producing, managing and sharing archaeological information
Åsa M. Larsson, Marcus Smith, Rikard Sohlenius and Tord Klafver

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Why the Historic Environment needs a Spatial Data Infrastructure
Peter McKeague, Anthony Corns and Axel Posluschny

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Switching To Digital Tools: heritage Evaluation For Preventive Archaeology in Hungary
Máté Stibrányi

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Saving Treasures of the World Heritage at the Digital Archive DANS
Hella Hollander

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Archaeological Map of the Czech Republic. Current state and future visions of virtual research tools in the Czech Republic
Martin Kuna, David Novák, Jan Hasil and Dana Křivánková

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Enabling European Archaeological Research: The ARIADNE E-Infrastructure
Nicola Aloia, Ceri Binding, Sebastian Cuy, Martin Doerr, Bruno Fanini, Achille Felicetti, Johan Fihn, Dimitris Gavrilis, Guntram Geser, Hella Hollander, Carlo Meghini, Franco Niccolucci, Federico Nurra, Christos Papatheodorou, Julian Richards, Paola Ronzino, Roberto Scopigno, Maria Theodoridou, Douglas Tudhope, Andreas Vlachidis and Holly Wright

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Visualising and Presenting the Past

3D-ICONS Ireland - fulfilling the potential of a rich 3D resource
Anthony Corns, Gary Devlin, Aaron Deevy, Robert Shaw, Linda Shine

Summary | Table of Contents

An On-Site Presentation of Invisible Prehistoric Landscapes
Jiri Unger and Petr Kvetina

Summary | Table of Contents


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This issue explores ways to develop communication of archaeology for differing audiences, one of the aims of the NEARCH project under the EU Culture programme.



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