List of Figures

Figure 1: Archaeological traces based on a combination of remote-sensing sources (historical land archaeological aerial photographs, lidar) for a test region in the vicinity of Torhout (e.g. Stichelbaut et al. 2015)

Figure 2: Greyscale colour map of lidar raster showing Celtic Field wall structures under forest

Figure 3: Combination of greyscale and hillshade of lidar raster map with several barrow structures under forest

Figure 4: Skyview factor lidar raster map of a historic castle park site

Figure 5: Colourscale lidar raster map of part of the Scheldt valley, showing fossil channels and point bar topography

Figure 6: Example of modelled erosion rates of part of Hesbaye loam area (e.g. Notebaert et al. 2006)


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