5.4 Extent of coverage

On analysis of the PTMs so far, the team identified new areas for focus in order to examine the extent of the marks on the effigy. The third stage of RTI recording focused therefore on the extent of the amendments to the tomb. Figure 19 illustrates this from a new angle, as this capture reveals the extent of the marks' application on the head and body of Mary May.

Figure 19
Figure 19: Extent of the pock-marks on the effigy.

With the exception of the chin, which is only vestigially pocked, the whole of the face has been treated, with the marks ascending up into the hairline. It is also worth observing that these marks must have been more visible in the past, regardless of where the statue was sited, especially before electric lights were installed in the chapel and in the evenings when the raking light cast by candles would have made them quite noticeable.


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