[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 44 (2017). Digital Creativity in Archaeology


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Introduction: Digital Practice as Meaning Making in Archaeology
Gareth Beale and Paul Reilly

Proposal received: 29 April 2015; Accepted: 12 October 2016; Published: 5 June 2017

After Virtual Archaeology: Rethinking Archaeological Approaches to the Adoption of Digital Technology
Gareth Beale and Paul Reilly

Summary | Table of Contents

Digital Media, Creativity, Narrative Structure and Heritage
Tara Copplestone and Daniel Dunne

Summary | Table of Contents

The Embodied GIS. Using Mixed Reality to explore multi-sensory archaeological landscapes
Stuart Eve

Summary | Table of Contents

Geophysics: creativity and the archaeological imagination
Rose Ferraby

Summary | Table of Contents

Theorising 3D Visualisation Systems in Archaeology: Towards more effective design, evaluations and life cycles
Fabrizio Galeazzi and Paola Di Giuseppantonio Di Franco

Summary | Table of Contents

Digital Creativity and the Wall Paintings of 'Shakespeare's Guildhall', Stratford-upon-Avon
Kate Giles

Summary | Table of Contents

The Apparatus of Digital Archaeology
Jeremy Huggett

Summary | Table of Contents

Where are we? Reviewing the Integration of Complex Spatial Data in Current Field Archaeology
Peter Jensen

Summary | Table of Contents

The Strange Case of Dame Mary May's tomb: The performative value of Reflectance Transformation Imaging and its use in deciphering the visual and biographical evidence of a late 17th-century portrait effigy
Jude Jones and Nicole Smith

Summary | Table of Contents

Power is in the Process: The ACCORD project
Mhairi Maxwell

Summary | Table of Contents

Animated GIFs as Expressive Visual Narratives and Expository Devices in Archaeology
Colleen Morgan and Nela Scholma-Mason

Summary | Table of Contents

Acoustic Heritage and Audio Creativity: the Creative Application of Sound in the Representation, Understanding and Experience of Past Environments
Damian Murphy, Simon Shelley, Aglaia Foteinou, Jude Brereton and Helena Daffern

Summary | Table of Contents


Review of The Museum of the World [website] - Samantha Lash

Full text

Review of Cadw Mobile App [application] - Miriam Rothenberg

Full text


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