List of Figures

Figure 1: The reconstructed farmstead at St Fagans, now being replaced by a different reconstruction (Image: H.C. Mytum)

Figure 2: Face painting as part of children's educational activities at Castell Henllys (Image: H.C. Mytum)

Figure 3: Three of the four reconstructed roundhouses at Castell Henllys, with wattle panels in the centre used for daubing as part of schools activities (Image: H.C. Mytum)

Figure 4: Reconstructed four-post structure at Castell Henllys (Image: H.C. Mytum)

Figure 5: Investigating the first reconstructed roundhouse at Castell Henllys as it was dismantled and excavated prior to its replacement being erected on the same site (Image: H.C. Mytum)

Figure 6: Diagrammatic representations of some possible Iron Age social structures. Vertical axis is social distance and this represents cumulative power in all but the heterarchical model. Developed from a figure in Hill 2011. (Image: H.C. Mytum)


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