[Internet Archaeology]

Issue 48 (2018). Iron Age Settlement in Wales


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Published with the aid of an Archaeological Publication grant from Cadw, Welsh Government's historic environment service

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Ken Murphy

Issue Proposal received: Sept 2014; Accepted: March 2016; Published: 26 February 2018

A Brief Introduction to Iron Age Settlement in Wales
Matthew Ritchie

Summary | Table of Contents

Historical Excavation and Survey of Hillforts in Wales: some critical issues
Graeme Guilbert

Summary | Table of Contents

Humans and Landscape
Astrid Caseldine

Summary | Table of Contents

The Atlantic Coast
Ken Murphy

Summary | Table of Contents

Hillforts and Hut Groups of North-West Wales
George Smith

Summary | Table of Contents

Hillforts and Defended Enclosures of the Welsh Borderland
W.J. Britnell and R.J. Silvester

Summary | Table of Contents

Romano-British Settlement in South-East Wales
Edith Evans

Summary | Table of Contents

New Perspectives on the Architecture and Function of Welsh Hillforts
Toby Driver

Summary | Table of Contents

The Iron Age Today
Harold Mytum

Summary | Table of Contents


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