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The Echo of Past Choices: The Roman dining table under twenty-first century scrutiny

Steven Willis

University of Kent, Department of Classical and Archaeological Studies. Email:

Cite this as: Willis, S. 2018 The Echo of Past Choices: The Roman dining table under twenty-first century scrutiny, Internet Archaeology 50.


In this discussion and commentary a number of themes emerging from the Workshops and articles presented in this volume are highlighted and discussed. The 'Big Data on the Roman Table' (BDRT) initiative is viewed within the context of Roman pottery studies past and present. Issues to do with sampling and the nature of site formation processes, and sample collection, are considered. Questions around form and function, use and wear are assessed. Means of presenting data, as seen in this volume, are examined. As the articles showcase resources and capabilities being applied to research goals in the present digital environment, the future prospect of, and questions for, continuing work are considered. This discussion highlights the enormously rich archaeological record of the Roman era and the potential for Big Data studies of tableware. Through a narrative that links to the on-going daily familiarity of pottery use that people of our world experience, it may be possible to bridge the gap between specialist knowledge and wider audiences.

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