List of Tables

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Table 1: London Roman pottery form group codes with descriptions. Form groups 4, 5 and 6 are used in this study. Codes for specific forms within these groups begin with the form group number

Table 2: Morphological category codes used in this study, with definitions and associated form codes. Colour-coding of morphological categories matches other tables and figures

Table 3: MOLA Roman pottery state codes and definitions

Table 4: Typological classifications and simplified descriptions of open forms used in the study. Form groups and morphological categories are defined in Tables 1 and 2. Typological references for individual forms follow MOLA 2014 and are to Dragendorff 1895; Walters 1908; Curle 1911; Ritterling 1913; Hull 1963; Gillam 1970; Marsh and Tyers 1978; Marsh 1978; Rayner and Seeley 2008. For illustrations see Figure 1

Table 5: Mean rim diameter and fabric data for open forms used in the study

Table 6: State-code data for open forms used in the study expressed as both counts and percentages. Percentage data conditionally formatted: white = lowest and red = highest


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