
1. Facebook, group Archaeology (Archeologie in Czech). It was part of a discussion under the topic 'Archaeological finds are not like mushrooms. They do not belong to the finder. They represent the wealth of all of us' (Archeologické nálezy nejsou jako houby. Nepatří tomu, kdo je najde. Jsou bohatstvím nás všech, 27 September 2018). The article is available at (as of 10 November 2017).

2. In the Czech Republic, Facebook plays a dominant role in the number of active users, as well as the YouTube platform, which ČT does not use because of copyright protection. For further details, see the report 'Users of social networks in the Czech Republic' – the final report from market research conducted in October 2016: (as of 10 November 2017).

3. The daily regional news programme – the 'Events in the Regions' – is broadcast under the Czech Television Act in three regional variations (TV Studio Brno and TV Studio Ostrava for Moravian Regions and Czech Television for Czech Regions).

4. In the organisational structure, this redaction team does not actually exist; it is a separate department of the daily news service providing the content of the news channel ČT24.

5. These include, for example, production of abbreviated versions of stories, their subtitling so that they can be viewed without the sound component, working with graphics and animations, photographs, and the so-called breaking news, etc.

6. The Code of Conduct of the ČT, Preamble, section (G).

7. Report on the status, changes and development of the ČT24 channel in the second half of the year 2015: (as of 10 November 2017).

8. The Events in Regions: 30 contributions, the Events: 25, From the Metropole (Z Metropole in Czech): 8, Week in the Regions (Týden v regionech in Czech): 8, Horizon (Horizont in Czech): 2, 90'ČT24: 2, News at noon (Zprávy ve 12 in Czech): 8, News 12: 1, Events and Comments (Události, komentáře in Czech): 1, Studio 6: 9, Studio 6 Weekend (Studio 6 Víkend): 1, Studio ČT24: 9. The author would like to thank the staff of the Archive of the ČT News for their help and assistance.

9. For this information, the author would like to thank T. Karlík, editor of the Science department of the ČT News for web and social networks.

10. Source: Department of Research and Analysis of the Czech Television, cf. (as of 10 November 2017). The author would like to thank the head of the ÚVA ČT Ms R. Týmová for her assistance and professional comments.

11. For further information on ATO and methodology used, cf. (as of 10 November 2017).

12. For further information on the company and methodology used, cf. (as of 10 November 2017).

13. Cf. (as of 10 November 2017).

14. Cf. for example (as of 10 November 2017).

15. Cf. for example (as of 10 November 2017).

16. For further information on the company, cf. (as of 10 November 2017).

17. ČT Events (Události ČT) are broadcast concurrently on the channels ČT1 and ČT24.

18. Television audience is a category dependent on many variables, such as the day of the week, season, and climate, etc.

19. Cf. (as of 10 November 2017).

20. The audience share of the ČT decreases every day after 7.30 pm, as TV Nova's main TV news programme begins. However, the drop in the share category is more pronounced than the decrease in the absolute number of viewers, i.e. new viewers are coming to watch TV rather than stop watching the ČT broadcasting in large numbers.

21. Cf. (as of 10 November 2017).

22. Cf. (as of 10 November 2017).

23. Cf. (as of 10 November 2017).

24. Cf. (as of 10 November 2017).

25. Mutual linking of the content on social networks with the original website increases the website traffic.

26. Cf. (as of 10 November 2017).

27. Cf. (as of 10 November 2017). The report is not listed in the overview.

28. Cf. (as of 10 November 2017).

29. Cf. (as of 10 November 2017).

30. Cf. (as of 10 November 2017).

31. Cf. (as of 10 November 2017).

32. Cf. (as of 10 November 2017).

33. Cf. (as of 10 November 2017).

34. The three regional versions of the Events in the Regions programme are broadcast on ČT1 at 6.00-6.25 pm, the Prague version is simultaneously broadcast on ČT24 channel.

35. Posts of the ČT News on the Facebook social network are organised hierarchically. The main ('flagship') profile belongs to the ČT24 channel and, in addition to its production and information, it also draws on the profiles of the programmes and regions broadcast by the ČT24 channel.

36. Cf. – 5 October 2017 (as of 10 November 2017).

37. Cf. – 6 October 2017 (as of 10 November 2017).

38. Cf. (as of 10 November 2017).

39. The decrease in the number of ČT viewers mentioned in footnote 20 is not a one-time event but represents part of a continuous process of audience shifts – some groups that previously watched other TV news channels are coming back to ČT due to the anticipated block of sports news.

40. For the information, the author would like to thank Mr T. Karlík, the editor of the Science department of the ČT News for web and social networks.


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