Issue 51 (2019). Development-led Archaeology in Europe: Meeting the needs of archaeologists, developers and the public. EAC symposium proceedings


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This volume of the proceedings of the European Archaeological Council Heritage Management Symposium 2018 has been funded by EAC.

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An Introduction to Development-led Archaeology in Europe: Meeting the needs of archaeologists, developers and the public
Agnes Stefánsdóttir

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Theme proposal received: March 2018; Accepted: November 2018; Published: 28 February 2019

Farmers and Archaeologists: any shared interests? Best practice from the Dutch countryside
Henny A. Groenendijk

Summary | Table of Contents

Archaeоlogical Map of Bulgaria – Transport and Pipeline Infrastructure Projects
Nadezhda Kecheva

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Presenting an Archaeology for Everyone: Changing our approach to publicly funded archaeological investigation in Scotland
Kirsty Owen and Rebecca Jones

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A Decade of Development-led Archaeology in Bulgaria
Lyudmil Vagalinski

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Communicating Archaeology: the magic triangle
Gábor Virágos

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Archaeology in the Czech Media: Does anyone care?
Zdeněk Šámal

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The Trans Adriatic Pipeline project (TAP) in Albania: opportunities for archaeology
Rudina Zoto and Mariglen Meshini

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A Citizen's View on Public Archaeology and Heritage in Austria
Sigrid Peter

Summary | Table of Contents


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