5.7 Class 7

This class encompasses a wide range of Fabric Groups (i.e. Fabric Groups 2d, 8, 6, 13, 14, 10, 16). The texture of the paste is medium to coarse. This class is similar to Class 2 in terms of the fabrics that are used, though those that are used to produce these vessels is perhaps slightly coarser with the occasional addition of organic temper. However, two technical features enable us to define this as a separate class, namely the imprints of organic tempers visible in both surfaces (probably rice husks and plants) and the thickness of the potsherds, which varies between 1.5cm and 3cm. In addition, and despite the small number of diagnostic potsherds in the assemblage, all examples (mostly big jars and basins) were made from hand-stretching plates of clay and coils. The surfaces are smoothed. Vessels are fired in an oxidising atmosphere, which was not always fully achieved owing to the thickness of the vessels and the presence of organic inclusions (2.5YR-6/6 light red, 5YR-7/4 pink, 5YR-7/6 reddish yellow, 5YR-8/4 pink, 7.5YR-7/4 pink). Two variants have been defined according to the decorative techniques: variant 1 without any specific decoration, and variant 2 with a red slip and/or mica on surfaces. Both variants are decorated with 'appliqué' — in this instance, an added coil with finger imprints — on the external surface.

Class 7 variant 1 (n=14) (Figure 26)

This variant corresponds to the plain version of the class, which is decorated only with appliqué. A slight smoothing is visible on some potsherds. Only two very fragmented rims are identified, the rest are bodysherds belonging to a basin or big jar. For vessel forms, see Lefrancq and Hawkes (2019b, plate 28).

Figure 26
Figure 26: External and internal sides of bodysherd, Class 7 variant 1, MHR2002.B11.12. Image credit: Authors.

Class 7 variant 2 (n=73) (Figure 27)

This variant displays a red slip and/or a micaceous slip but the red slip is not always properly visible (2.5YR-4/6 red, 10R-6/2 pale red, 10R-6/3 pale red, 10R-5/6 red, 10R-5/8 red, 5YR-7/4 pink). Incised decorations can be observed on the external surface together with an appliqué decoration. Jars and basins are also the main vessel forms. For vessel forms, see Lefrancq and Hawkes (2019b, plate 28).

Figure 27
Figure 27: Above: external and internal sides of bodysherd with red slip, Class 7 variant 2, MHR2002.A5.4; below: external side of bodysherd with red slip and incision, Class 7 variant 2, MHR2002.A3.3. Image credit: Authors.


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