5.8 Class 8 (n=1)

This class comprises a single bodysherd (Figure 28), and will need to be better defined as more remains are excavated. The class is made using Fabric Group 2F, which is characterised by a compact paste that is fine in texture. The size of the bodysherd does not allow us to identify the precise fashioning technique used in its production, but it does not appear to have been wheel-thrown. The sherd is 1cm thick. No slip is visible, and it appears not to have been slipped. The external surface has been smoothed (7.5YR-8/2 pinkish white) and is soft to the touch (7.5YR-5/1 gray). The internal surface shows traces of soot. It is difficult to say if this results from use (something that has burned within the receptacle) or if it is just because of the position of the pot during the firing process.

Figure 28
Figure 28: External and internal sides of bodysherd, Class 8, MHR2002.A3.5. Image credit: Authors.


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