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Evidence of Viking trade and 'Danelaw' connections? Inset lead weights from Norway and the western Viking World

Aina Margrethe Heen-Pettersen

Cite this as: Heen-Pettersen, A.M. 2021 Evidence of Viking trade and 'Danelaw' connections? Inset lead weights from Norway and the western Viking World, Internet Archaeology 56.


Photo of lead weight


Table 1: Nowegian examples. DM=decorated metalwork, PM=plain metalwork, C=coin, G=glass
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Museum/ Accession no. Place Region Inset type Brief description Approx. dating Finds context Gender association Assoc. grave-goods (if applicable) Year of discovery References
TS15216 Sandtorg Harstad DM Roughly square (2.2cm x 2cm). The bronze mount has a geometric pattern comprising 4 small squares in the centre, enclosed by four larger L-shaped panels. Current weight: 24.2g Viking Age Metal detector find - - 2014 Accession catalogue
T28144_2 Mære Steinkjer DM Roughly square (2cm x 1.9cm). The metalwork comprises a T-shaped projection of a harness mount with a close parallel in a complete example from Berdal, Vik (B602) .Current weight: 21.27g Viking Age Metal detector find - - 2019 Accession catalogue
T1047 Tønnøl Bjugn PM Cylindrical. Current weight: 24.2g 10th century Burial M Balance scale, shield boss, arm ring of silver, whetstone 1872 Wamers 1985, 92-93 no. 27
T3213 Solstad Skaun DM Cylindrical (dia. 4.3cm), with some damage to one edge. Current weight: 182.5g, although recorded as 221g in Petersen 1940, 87 Viking Age Uncertain/stray find - - 1884 Petersen 1940, 64 no. 87; Wamers 1985, 93 no. 29
T27510 Hol Sunndal DM Square (1.9cm x 1.6cm) lead weight with bronze mount. Current weight: 22.4g Viking Age Metal detector find - Metal detector find, arable land 2016 Accession catalogue
T18198c Setnes Rauma c: DM Cylindrical weight (Dia.2.6cm) with an enamelled bronze mount. Current weight 53.6g 900-950 (Marstrander 1963, 155) Burial F Seal/mount, in openwork silver (Insular), balance scale, silver mount from a crosier (Insular), hanging bowl (Insular), complete reliquary shrine (Insular), trefoil brooch, fragment of a further brooch (in Borre style), textile fragments, 21 beads (including 10 agate/calcedon beads), Dirhem (minted 768-769 e. Kr, reworked into a pendant), silver needle/rod, spindle whorl 1961 Marstrander 1963, 19-20; Wamers 1985, 94 no.38
T18198d - - d: DM Weight with a gilded bronze mount in the form of a "four-footed animal with a snake-like body and a long neck". L. 3.4cm. Current weight 78.4g - - - - - Marstrander 1963, 21-22; Wamers 1985, 94 no.38
B11131d Kvistad Ørsta d:DM Cylindrical (Dia.3.7cm). Slightly damaged. Current weight 97g. 9th century Burial M Balance, sword (JP H), axe (JP D), lead weight, hammer, sickle, lock, hinges and mounts of a small shrine, whetstone, boat nails 1957 Wamers 1985, 94 no.43
B11131e - - e: DM Square lead weight (2.0cm x 1.7cm) with bronze mount. Slightly damaged. Current weight 30g - - - - - Wamers 1985, 94 no.43
B4511i Hopperstad Vik i: DM T-shaped (2.7 x 2.1cm) with the upper frame curved like a hearth formed by two birds. Current weight: 41.5g Viking Age Burial F 2 hanging bowls (Insular), bronze bowl (Insular), bronze ladle (Insular), bronze bound yew bucket (Insular), balance scale, glass vessel (reticella), glass flask/small vessel, kufic silver coin, bronze key (R456), 1 silver bead, 3 agate/calcedon beads, 37 glass beads, whale bone-plaque (very fragmented), textile fragments, iron spit/staff with a decorated bronze handle, 11 loom weights (9 lost), strike-a-light, frying pan, weaving sword, horse 2 bridles and rattle, mill stones (lost), shrine/box remains (lock, nails, hinges), spoon-shaped auger, possible linen smoother of glass, knife, sickle, further iron objects/fragments of unknown function 1887 Petersen 1940, 51 no. 63; Wamers 1985, 97 no.64; Sørheim 2011, 40
B4511k - - k: DM Formed like a animal head '"with a strongly upwardly bent snoth" (3m x 1.7cm). Current weight: 46.5g - - - - - Petersen 1940, 51 no. 63; Wamers 1985, 97 no.64; Sørheim 2011, 40-41
S1982 Håland Vindafjord DM Incomplete. Surviving dimensions: L.3.7cm x 2.5cm. Current weight: 60.33g 900-950 Burial M Tin-coated balance scale, 3 glass beads, sword (JP P), 2 spearheads, 5 arrowheads (R 539), axe (JP E), knife, shield boss, iron handle (for casket/box), nail, 36 clench bolts, wood fragments 1897 Petersen 1940, 37 no.40; Wamers 1985, 98-99 no.80; accession catalogue
S1981 Håland - DM Square lead weight (3.2cm x 3cm) with bronze mount. Current weight: 71.184g The bronze mount is lost - - - - - Petersen 1940, 37 no.40; Wamers 1985, 98-99 no.80
S12591_1 Tjora Sola DM Cylindrical (Dia.3.5cm). Current weight: 49.15g - Metal detector find - - 2010 Accession catalogue
S14112 Husabø Stavanger DM Square mount (3.3cm x 2.9cm) with some lead preserved on the reverse. Viking Age Metal detector find - - 2018 Accession catalogue
B1856 Tårland DM Cylindrical (Dia.4.5cm). Weight: 194.683g Viking Age Uncertain - 2 further lead weights (without bronze mounts) 1866 Petersen 1940, 28-31 no.26; Wamers 1985, 101 no.102
C52507/67k Kaupang Larvik Zoomorphic copper-alloy weight Shape of an animal head. L. 3.5cm. Current weight: 19.6r. Viking Age Settlement - - 1998-2002 Pedersen 2008, 175
C52507/69Plo Kaupang Larvik DM Cylindrical. Dia. 2.1cm. Current weight: 33.1g Viking Age Settlement - - 1998-2002 Pedersen 2008, 172
C52517_419 Kaupang Larvik DM Rectangular.Current weight: 9.67g Viking Age Settlement - - 1998-2002 Pedersen 2008, 172
C52517_2168 Kaupang Larvik DM Roughly rectangular lead weight with bird-shaped copper-alloy mount. L. 2.6cm. Current weight: 15.88g Viking Age Settlement - - 1998-2002 Pedersen 2008, 170-71
C52517_812 Kaupang Larvik PM Roughly rectangular. L. 2.5cm, W. 2.05cm. Current weight: 22.46g Viking Age Settlement - - 1998-2002 Pedersen 2008, 172
C52517_1893 Kaupang Larvik PM Roughly triangular. L. 2.5cm. Current weight: 23.48g Viking Age Settlement - - 1998-2002 Pedersen 2008, 172
C52519_15228 Kaupang Larvik G Cylindrical. Dia. 0.9cm. Viking Age Settlement - - 1998-2002 Pedersen 2008, 170
C52517/828 Kaupang Larvik PM Cylindrical. Current weight: 7.61g Viking Age Settlement - - 1998-2002 Pedersen 2008, 170
C58678_233 Heimdalsjordet Sandefjord G Cylindrical. Dia. 1.6cm. Viking Age Settlement - - Pedersen and Rødsrud 2013, fig. 4
C62821 Aalgaard Lillestrøm DM Cylindrical. Dia. 2.5cm. Viking Age Metal detector find - - 2015 Accession database
NMD-CMXXb Berg Hurum DM Square form (3.2cm x 3.8cm) Viking Age Burial - Balance, lead weight (not Insular), knife blade 1822 Petersen 1940, 23 no. 13; Pedersen 2008, 172-177
NMD-CMXXi Berg - DM Zoomorphic Viking Age Burial - - - Pedersen 2008, 172-177
C59480_13 Asker Østre Asker DM Rectangular (L.1.7cm, W.1.5cm). Current weight: 4.9g Viking Age Burial - Metal detector find from a mound 1979 Accession database
C7826 Vik, Fjære Grimstad C Cylindrical lead weight incorporating an Anglo-Saxon styca. Dia. 1.8cm, H.1.9cm. Current weight: 18.18g Viking Age Burial M Sword, axe, anvil, smith's hammer and tongs, anvil, forge-stone, lead weight (plain),soapstone mould, whetstone, 2 flints, iron fragments, ring of bronze 1876 Williams 1999, 24 no.7; Pedersen 2008, 168-169
C7827 Vik, Fjære - C Cylindrical lead weight incorporating an Anglo-Saxon styca. Dia. 2cm, H.1.3cm. Current weight: 10.42g - - - - - Williams 1999, 23 no. 6; Pedersen 2008, 168-169
C59791 Missingen/Åkeberg Råde DM Cylindrical (dia. 2.5cm). Current weight 21.9g Viking Age Metal detector find - Metal detector find 2014 Accession catalogue
KHM Aks. 2017/1086 Elgestad Vestre Færder DM Roughly rectangular. Not yet conserved or catalogued by the time of this study. Therefore no dimensions are available Viking Age Metal detector find - Metal detector find 2017 Accession catalogue
Table 2: Examples from Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland. DM=decorated metalwork, PM=plain metalwork, C=coin, G=glass. S=silver
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Place County No. and inset type Unique PAS- ID/ accession no. or other reference
Kiloran Bay Colonsay 7 (DM, including one with Scandinavian metalwork) Graham-Campbell and Batey 1998, 118-22; Laing 1993, 110-11
Little Dunagoil Bute 1 (DM, oval brooch) Kruse 1992, 81
Whithorn Dumfries and Galloway 1 (DM) The Whithorn Trust: WIWMS Whit LD05.16
Kirkton Dumfries and Galloway 1 (DM) Future Museum
Lochmaben Dumfries and Galloway 1 (DM) QLTR treasure trove in Scotland 2012/2013
Talnotrie Dumfries and Galloway 1 (DM) Graham-Campbell and Batey 1998, 109; Laing 1993, 110-12
Dumbarton Rock Dumbarton 1 (G) Hunterian Museum, GLAHM:A.1982.52
Ulgham Northumberland 1 (DM) NCL-D4EBD5
Thirston Northumberland 1 (G) DUR-8BB722
- Said to be from Northumberland 1 (DM) The British Museum: 1993,0502.2
- Said to be from Northumberland 1 (DM) The British Museum: 1993,0502.1
Breast Mill Beck Cumbria 1 (DM) The Dock Museum: BAWMS.09655
Longtown Cumbria 1 (DM) LANCUM-1943D1
Crosby Ravensworth Cumbria 1 (DM) LANCUM-683C84
Allithwaite Cumbria 1 (DM) LANCUM-C07CE5
Roosecote  Cumbria 1 (C) LANCUM-4EDD1E
Arcdeacon Newton Darlington 1 (G) DUR-CF57C4
Bedale North Yorkshire 1 (DM) DUR-181FC7
Wath Harrogate North Yorkshire 1 (PM) YORYM-5F1A6E
Hunsingore North Yorkshire 1 (S) SWYOR-2E8410
Sheriff Hutton North Yorkshire 1 (DM) SWYOR-4F2B32
Selby North Yorkshire 1 (DM) SWYOR-4A40C5
Tadcaster, Selby North Yorkshire 1 (S) SWYOR-EF9E81
Near Stamford Bridge North Yorkshire 1 (PM) Kershaw 2020, 121
Near Stamford Bridge North Yorkshire 1 (G) YORYM-01F154
Bagby North Yorkshire 1 (C) YORYM-8054B2
Aldwark (ARSNY) North Yorkshire 10 weights inset with both DM and PM, and 2 (C) Hall et al. 2020, table 2 (Sf: 1566-1570, 1572, 1577, 1578, 1607, 1625, 1699, 1700
York North Yorkshire 1 (DM) NCL-1C8B61
Clementhorpe Abbey site, York North Yorkshire 1 (DM) Kruse 1992, 81
North Stainley with Sleningford North Yorkshire 1 (DM) YORYM-5FCC17
- England, 'said to be found near Malton, North Yorkshire' according to Williams 1999, 30 1 (C) The British Museum: 2000,0201.1
Malton North Yorkshire 1 (G, possible fragment of bead or bangle) DUR-8BCD07
Kilnwick East Riding of Yorkshire 1 (DM, oval brooch) Kershaw 2013, 226
Beswick East Riding of Yorkshire 1 (PM) YORYM-086AAB
North Cave East Riding of Yorkshire 1 (DM) YORYM-9624E2
North Cave East Riding of Yorkshire 1 (PM) SWYOR-5CE8F1
Skirpenbeck East Riding of Yorkshire 1 (C) LVPL-5E4310
Skirpenbeck East Riding of Yorkshire 1 (PM) YORYM-6AD518
Skirpenbeck East Riding of Yorkshire 1 (PM) YORYM-6B45F7
Skirpenbeck East Riding of Yorkshire 1 (PM) YORYM-6AC476
Skirpenbeck East Riding of Yorkshire 1 (PM) YORYM-6AE013
Sancton East Riding of Yorkshire 1 (C) Kruse 1992, 82
South Newbald East Riding of Yorkshire 1 (C) Williams 1999, 25
Not recorded East Riding of Yorkshire 1 (C) Williams 1999, 25
- Said to be from East Yorkshire 1 (DM) The British Museum: 2000,0101.2
- Said to be from East Yorkshire 1 (DM) The British Museum: 2000,0101.3
Walton, Leeds West Yorkshire 1 (C) SWYOR-D00CF2
Darrington West Yorkshire 1 (DM, trefoil brooch) SWYOR-8A1BCA
Near Furness Lancashire 1 (DM) Youngs 1989, 142, no. 135
Gisburn Lancashire 1 (DM) LANCUM-107126
Newton area Lancashire 1 (DM) LANCUM-45FF34
Chester Cheshire 1 (DM) LVPL-9C24B6
Chesire Alvanley Cheshire 1 (DM) LVPL-1778
Whitchurch Shropshire 1 (PM) HESH-56AE46
Cotham Nottinghamshire 1 (C) DENO-FC3487
Dunham-on-Trent Nottinghamshire 1 (PL) NLM-941282
Kirton Nottinghamshire 1 (DM) DENO-D24764
Gaddesby Leicestershire 1 (G) PUBLIC-57FD2D
Stanton by Bridge Derbyshire 1 (DM) DENO-650DB1
Bigby Lincolnshire 2 (PM) NLM-692553, NLM-D834A5
Whitton Lincolnshire 1 (C) NLM-8F9E07
West Lindsey Lincolnshire 1 (DM) LIN-F6BD25
Lissington, West Lindsey Lincolnshire 1 (C) LIN-956197
Swinhope, West Lindsey Lincolnshire 2 (PM) NLM-21C354, NLM-5BA62D
Normanton Lincolnshire 1 (DM) LEIC-C6C96A
Humberside Scawby Lincolnshire 1 (C) NLM-5766
Near Spilsby Lincolnshire 1 (G) LIN-F8D16A
Crowle Lincolnshire 1 (P) NLM-B994C1
Bardney Lincolnshire 1 (C) LIN-3DFD27
Owersby  Lincolnshire 1 (DM) SWYOR-CC1E24
Torksey Lincolnshire 37 inset lead weight. Both metalwork and coins are used. Hadley and Richards 2016, 39, 49
Torksey Lincolnshire 1 (C) Williams 1999, 25
Torksey Lincolnshire 1 (DM) SWYOR-E8F5D6
Lighthorne  Warwickshire 1 (DM) SUR-307155
Water Newton Cambridgeshire 1 (DM) DUR-8BA064
Colton West Midlands 1 (C) HESH-07F155
Tarrant Hinton Dorset 1 (DM) DOR-D1CD4E
Weymouth Dorset 1 (DM) BH-1DA0A5
Wareham Dorset 2 (C) British Museum: 1991,0304.1; Williams 1999, 29
Beeston with Bittering Norfolk 1 (DM) NMS-03F926
North Tuddenham Norfolk 1 (DM) NMS-925741
Barnham Broom  Norfolk 1 (DM) NMS-0D47D0
Coltishall Norfolk 1 (PM) NMS-8F3C0C
Ryburgh Norfolk 1 (S) NMS-7F2C31
Great Dunham Norfolk 1 (DM) NMS-FEDA1C
Bawburgh Norfolk 1 (PM) NMS-C8B931
Narford Norfolk 1 (DM) NMS-C85DE6
Walsingham Norfolk 1 (C) NMS-16C428
Near Lowestoft Suffolk 1 (C) Williams 1999, 25
Risby Suffolk 1 (DM) SF-20A507
Mildenhall Suffolk 1 (DM) Kruse 1992, 81
Thetford Suffolk 1 (DM) Kruse 1992, 81
Ixworth Suffolk 1 (DM) Youngs 1989, 142, no. 136
Nr. Beccles Suffolk 1 (PM) SF-F1F814
Campsay Ash Suffolk 1 (PM) SF9421
Colchester Essex 1 (C) Williams 1999, 25
Chrishall Essex 1 (PM) BH-D4FA0E
Near Faversham Kent 1 (C) Williams 1999, 24
Ilchester Somerset 1 (DM) SOMDOR-9FE618
- England, no further information concerning location 1 (C) The British Museum: 1991,0304.2
- England, no further information concerning location 1 (C) Williams 1999, 31
Llanbedrgoch Anglesey 2 (DM) Redknap 2007, no. 43
Brynsiencyn Anglesey 1 (DM) Redknap 2007, no 42
Freswater West, Castlemartin Dyfed 1 (DM) Kruse 1992, 81
Wenvoe The Vale of Glamorgan (Wales) 1 (DM) NMGW-07268F
River Blackwater Shanmullagh and Ballycullen, Co. Armagh 8 inset lead weights (DM), 1 (C) Bourke 2010, 26
Woodstown Co. Waterford 6 (DM) Ó Floinn 2014, 181-85
Islandbridge Co. Dublin 9 (DM) from two or three different graves Harrison and Ó Floinn 2014, 443-73
Coolure Demesne Co. Westmeath 3 (DM) Kelly 2007
Dublin town Co. Dublin 18 ‘copper-alloy encased’ lead weights are listed in Wallace 2016, but a detailed overview of this material is not published Wallace 2016, 361
Craddockstown North Co. Kildare 1 (DM) Ní Cheallacháin 2019, 36-37

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